Mark Fielding

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NCPS (senior Accred) Psychotherapist/Relationship Counsellor
Waiting list for new clients
Waiting list for new clients

This professional is accepting new clients but may have a waitlist. Please enquire with them directly to discuss availability.

location_on London E15 & SE19
Waiting list for new clients
Waiting list for new clients

This professional is accepting new clients but may have a waitlist. Please enquire with them directly to discuss availability.

About me

I am currently only taking on clients wishing to work remotely (e.g. Zoom). I have provided therapy for both individuals and couples online for many years. I have found it to be an excellent medium for facilitating psychotherapy and couples counselling. Online therapy is not suitable for all clients and we would need to see if it meets your needs before proceeding. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to begin Zoom sessions or have queries about this.

Hello. My name is Mark FieIding. I am a psychotherapist and relationship counsellor and I have many years experience in working with individuals and couples. I am a registered member of the BACP register of counsellors and psychotherapists, a senior accredited member of the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society and a senior professional and senior professional supervisor with ACTO (The Association of Counsellors and Therapists Online). I currently work in private practice. I have over 10 years experience of working in the NHS as a senior harassment advisor for a West London Foundation Trust hospital and I have also worked as a relationship counsellor for Relate. I realise that, initially, approaching a therapist can seem daunting. My therapeutic approach is very down to earth which I hope puts my clients at ease. Over the last 16 years I have worked with most problems that people can experience.

How can therapy help?

Psychotherapy aims to remove the causes of the presenting symptom(s). In order to achieve this the therapy sets out to clear mental blockages, in relation to the problem, to make conscious what is unconscious, fill gaps in the memory, remove conflicts in clients lives, break down defence mechanisms and enable clients to answer the question, ‘Why?’ in relation to the current problem. In this way the therapy enables clients to live their lives as they would wish.

Often the causes of our problems are rooted in the past. We may be stuck in patterns of behaving and relating to others and the world around us that were created when we were much younger and perhaps served us well at the time but these same behaviours are now stopping us from living life as we would wish. We often believe that change is impossible and cant imagine a future where things are different. As human beings I think it is fair to say that we all bring unhelpful and repetitive patterns of thinking, relating and self image from our early years into our adult lives. Is change possible? Absolutely! Over the years I have been honoured to share the journey of clients that have made remarkable changes in their lives. Therapy is not magic, however, and a firm commitment to work towards positive change is needed to gain the best results.   

Individual Therapy

I tend to work collaboratively with Individuals. I treat everybody as an individual because we are all different and unique. I aim to provide a safe and secure environment where I can support you in developing greater self-awareness and understanding of the conscious and unconscious causes of your problems. I consider therapy to be a joint process; I wont tell you what to do but will rather engage with you in exploring the dilemmas that you seek to address. I will listen to you and ask questions, suggest possible patterns and possibly link these to the past, suggest techniques that may be helpful in coping in the short term and work with you in understanding what is happening, why it is happening and then working on new ways of being.

As detailed later on this page, I have worked with a wide variety of presenting issues over the years.

I have worked a lot with clients presenting with anxiety - in its many forms. This may be pervasive feelings of generalised anxiety or anxiety around particular experiences - such as social anxiety, for instance. I have found that a combination of exploring the history and possible causes of the anxiety coupled with mindfulness techniques - watching what the mind is telling us and changing these habitual patterns - can be extremely effective in promoting growth and positive change.

Many people will suffer depression at some point in their life. This is an area that I have worked with a great deal including working with bi-polar disorder. I have also worked effectively with OCD, stress and early attachment issues.

Clients experiencing long term health conditions can benefit greatly from supportive psychotherapy. This approach to therapy offers long term support whilst still incorporating the investigative elements of psychotherapy. Often a safe space to talk coupled with a focus on coping mechanisms can be of help. I have worked with clients experiencing long term conditions such a Bi-Polar, PDA ,Tourette's Syndrome and clients presenting with long term physical disabilities. Inevitably, any long term health condition is likely to have both a physical and mental effect which can often benefit from a supportive therapeutic approach.

My training in relationship work also informs much of my work with individual clients. It is often useful to explore our relationship dynamics (past and present) in order to see how these have affected us and to uncover any habitual patterns that clients may wish to change. Our relationships - parents, caregivers, partners etc. shape us and it is often important to look more deeply into how these relationships have influenced the people that we are today in terms of such things as attachment styles and belief systems, for example.

I have a special interest in working with HSPs (highly sensitive people) and have worked with many since starting my clinical practice.

I am integrative which means that I am trained to use different approaches dependent on the client. Psychodynamic psychotherapy aims to look at causes in the past whilst systemic therapy looks more at our patterns and ways of relating in the present. Mindfulness is helpful as a coping mechanism and with practice can also help us to change old behaviours by becoming aware of the behaviour or pattern of behaviour before it happens. It gives us the space to make changes to longstanding and unwanted behaviours. I use hypnotherapy with individual clients when needed.

Couples/Relationship Counselling

It is likely that couples coming to therapy have brought relating patterns from their own childhood experiences. Some of these are positive and help to sustain and evolve our relationships whilst other behaviours have no place in the present. As humans we tend to repeat behaviours unconsciously. Becoming aware of the way we relate provides us with a choice. A choice to do something new rather than endlessly repeating a pattern that we learnt as children or was passed down to us - possibly through generations. As part of the therapy, we would often look at these generational patterns and explore the messages and beliefs that the partners may have internalised unconsciously and how these beliefs come together within the relationship dynamic.

It is often useful to explore such areas as communication styles, conflict management and communication and negotiation around difference, parenting styles, personality types and how these interact, issues around sex, money and extended family, cultural differences, gender differences and other areas of potential difference which are socially constructed. We may explore future projections for the couple also, importantly, what is working well within the relationship - sometimes couples in conflict can lose sight of the positive aspects of the relationship when becoming problem focused, over time. Perhaps unresolved trauma, depression or anxiety in one or both of the partners is creating difficulty in relating.

In the last few years attachment theory has become more prominent in both individual and couples therapy. Attachment styles are created during our earliest years and have a significant effect on how we relate to others and in particular our partners in later life. There is no right or wrong here but an understanding of the attachment styles of ourselves and our partners can have a significant effect on the relationship - perhaps uncovering and explaining areas which have previously been a source of unspoken resentment.

Narrative therapy is another approach that I use in relationship work. What stories do we tell ourselves about ourselves and others; are these historical beliefs really true and how are they interacting within the couple? Common stories are 'I am unlovable','others can't be trusted' and a host of socially constructed stories around such areas as gender, sex, religion, disability, parenting etc. Narrative therapy seeks to deconstruct these stories and enables the individuals and couple in relationship to 're-author' their lives.

I have worked a lot with couples and affairs. In these cases it is often beneficial to initially explore the deep feelings evoked by the affair before exploring possible reasons for it happening. Often the work - although painful - can shift the relationship to a more positive place. Sometimes couples come to therapy in order to separate. This may be the result of an affair or both partners feeling that the relationship has naturally come to an end. The sessions can be used to facilitate an amicable separation; providing a safe environment for the partners to explore the history of their time together and their feelings around the loss.

Relationship work is is concerned with the co-evolution of the couple. This involves becoming aware of our attachment patterns, working through any wounds from the past and with this knowledge constructing together a prospective future which is mutually satisfying to both partners. In answering the question 'why' the couples understanding of each other and the couple relationship is enhanced and the seeds for positive change are sown.

I would see both partners together for the first session and then would meet with each partner separately for one session as part of the assessment. After this all further sessions would be with both partners unless a request was made for further individual sessions or if we felt that it would be helpful to the therapy to meet individually again.

There is no set period for the therapy although I would normally recommend committing to 5 sessions (including the individual sessions) after which we could review the work done and decide together if the therapy is complete or if it would be helpful to continue.

I use a systemic and psychodynamic approach to couples work which means that we work collaboratively to uncover patterns of relating in the present which may be problematic. We would also look for the history of these patterns both in the couple and each partner. We are all totally unique human beings and as such being in relationship can be complex. Understanding is the most powerful precursor to change.

I would always prefer to work with both members of the couple but in the appropriate circumstances would be happy to continue with one partner should the other partner not wish to continue.

Neurodivergent Specialised Couples Counselling

Traditional methods of therapy often fail to recognise the impact that ADHD, ASD and HSP (high sensitivity) can have on a couple. I offer specialised couples therapy to neurodivergent couples. I have worked extensively with couples where autism, ADHD or a combination of both is present in the couple. I am a certified service provider for ADHD and have extensive experience working with both couples and individuals with ASD, ADHD and HSP or a combination

Every couple is different and the presentations of ASD/ADHD/HSP in a couple are obviously couple specific. Some common patterns (especially where there has not been a diagnosis) are miscommunication, feelings of loneliness and not being understood. Where one or both partners have ADHD there can often be difficulties around conflict and negotiation around difference and misunderstandings around practical aspects of the relationship. These conversations can often escalate, leaving the conflict areas unprocessed; with no repair being made. As part of the therapy, I offer psychoeducation around the conditions and then look at how neurodivergence comes into the couple dynamic. Understanding of the other is key in all couples but can sometimes be more difficult to achieve in neurodivergent couples. The therapy helps to address this thus increasing mutual understanding and offering techniques for effective communication, resolving conflict and managing difference; thus creating an improved connection.

The therapy aims for both people to take equal responsibility in managing the differences between them and helping the neurotypical partner understand the neurodivergent partner better or if both partners are neurodivergent; understanding how this affects the relatioship and working on strategies to cope with problem areas. This allows the couple to focus on the strengths of both partners. Acceptance and understanding of difference being the foundation for a mutually satisfying relationship.

ADHD Coaching and Psychotherapy

I am certified as a specialised ADHD services provider. I have worked with many clients with ADHD over the years and, in addition to a longer term therapeutic approach, I offer a 6 session coaching package for ADHD'ers. I will get to know you and see how ADHD impacts your life and suggest strategies and routines that can help. We will trial these as part of the work. 

The sessions will be fortnightly and provide both psycho-education around ADHD and have a coaching flavour. 

I am a neuro-affirmative therapist.

Neurodivergent couples and individuals may prefer to follow a more general counselling model. This model is less coaching focused and may be preferred by some couples and individuals looking for a less solution focused approach. This is also available. 

Eating Disorders and Bariatric Surgery

I am trained to work with Eating Disorders. I specialise in working with Binge Eating Disorder. Often people suffering from an eating disorder or disordered eating find it difficult to ask for help. Unfortunately, there is still so much unhelpful stigma attached to eating disorders; despite them being very common. I also offer specialised eating disorder counselling for neurodivergent clients. 

I also specialise in providing pre and post surgery support to clients choosing to have bariatric surgery. Psychological support is often not provided to bariatric patients and it can be an essential part of the bariatric journey. I am an accredited counsellor with the Centre for Bariatric Support:

The initial session is a chance for us to talk about what has brought you along to therapy and also for you to decide if I am the right therapist for you. The therapeutic relationship has been proved to be one of the most important factors in successful outcome and so it is very important that you choose a therapist that you feel comfortable with and somebody that you trust to share in your journey.  

Concessions can be provided, where required, and a reduced rate is offered for counselling and psychotherapy students.

I am happy to accept GP referrals or referrals from other health care professionals.

Training, qualifications & experience

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
  • CPCAB Relate level 5 Diploma in Relationship Counselling
  • ADHD Clinical Services Provider (ADHD-CCSP) Certification Course: Strength-based Interventions to Thrive with ADHD from Childhood to Adulthood (33 hours)
  • Certified Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist (ASDCS) Certification
  • Diploma in Buddhist Psychology (mindfulness based)
  • CPCAB level 6 Diploma in Online Therapeutic Supervision
  • Advanced Diploma in Eating Disorders, Disordered Eating and Neurodiversity
  •  Diploma in Eating Disorders, Disordered Eating and Neurodiversity (Distinction) - NNEDE
  • Certificate in Eating Disorders, Disordered Eating and Neurodiversity - NNEDE
  • Certificate in Counselling for the Bariatric Patient NNEDE & NCFED
  • OCST4 Certificate in Online Counselling (audio and webcam - 100 study hours).
  • Certificate CBT-E -CBT for Eating Disorders - Oxford University 
  • Certificate in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - Four Day Skills Intensive
  • Certificate in Gottman Method Couples Therapy (level one)
  • Treating Affairs and Trauma - Gottman Institute
  • Certificate in Positive Psychology (Greater Good Science Centre)
  • Certificate in Existential Well-being Counselling: A Person-Centred Approach
  • Certificate in Mindfulness and Resilience to Stress at Work
  • Certificate in Counselling and Interpersonal skills
  • Certificate in Clinical Hypnosis
  • NHS Harassment Advisor training and CPD
  • Ben Raemer's Foundation: Counsellors Awareness Course

Short Courses/Workshops/Online CPD:

  • ADHD and Neurodiversity Interventions for Women: Essential Strength-Based Skills and Tools To Use in Your Clinical Practice.
  • The Highly Sensitive Person in Psychotherapy Workshop (with Elaine Aron)
  • The Gottman Approach to Neurodiversity in Couples Therapy Webinar
  • MsDs Conference PDRelate
  • Working with Self Harm and Suicide
  • Working with Dissociative Disorders in Clinical Practice
  • Running Mindfulness Groups
  • Masterclass in Eating Disorders - National Centre for Eating Disorders
  • The Critical Role of Nutrition in Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating for the Neurodivergent Person
  • Working with Eating Disorders and Neurodiversity
  • Group Facilitation: Key Concepts, Skills and Personal Development - Gestalt Centre
  • Gestalt in Action - Gestalt Centre
  • Working with Gender Dysphoria - Michelle Bridgeman
  • LGBT Awareness and Sensitivity - PACE
  • Coming out workshop - Relate
  • Gender and Sexual Diversity
  • Mindful Sex and Relationship Therapy
  • Mental Health and Couples
  • Domestic Violence - Relate
  • Sexually Speaking Workshops 1 and 2(Sex Therapy)
  • Trauma, Dissociation and Recovery
  • Integrating coaching into Your Counselling Practice - BACP
  • Child Protection and Safeguarding Level One - Relate
  • Bereavement and Loss
  • Substance Misuse and the Couple
  • Feedback Informed Practice
  • Working Therapeutically with Obesity - Exploring Binge Eating Disorder and Food Addiction
  • Treating Anxiety (Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy)
  • A Biopsychosocial View of Attention Deficit Disorder and Other Childhood Developmental Disorders - Gabor Mate (Confer Seminars)
  • Introduction to eating disorders - knowledge and skills

Registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS). The Register is the first psychological therapists' register to be accredited under a scheme set up by the Department of Health and administered by an independent body, accountable to Parliament.

Members of the public can now choose a counsellor or psychotherapist belonging to a register approved by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care.

I have worked for many years supporting clients with a wide range of learning difficulties; such as Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome (PDA). My wide experience in this area has assisted me in providing supportive psychotherapy and counselling to parents and carers.

For over ten years I worked in the NHS - providing supervision to a team of Harassment Advisers at a West London NHS Foundation Trust. I was also a Harassment Advisor for the Trust. Due to many years experience in this area I am very aware of the devastating effects of bullying or harassment.

In my clinical practice I have worked a lot with clients that have been bullied both in earlier years (at school, for instance) or at work, and often carry the pain of these experiences with them; creating conflict and pain in the present and being a 'block' to growth, self-confidence and happiness. Often people that have been bullied or harassed stop talking about their pain.

Counselling can be very helpful in helping clients to work through the pain of these experiences in order that they can become unburdened by this pain and anxiety and move forwards again positively towards the future.  

Mindfulness -   "Mindfulness is a specific way of intentionally paying attention. One negative thought can lead to a chain reaction of negative thoughts.  This approach encourages people to be aware of each thought, enabling the first negative thought to be ‘caught' so that is seen as just a ‘thought' and not a fact. This breaks the chain reaction of negative thoughts giving a mental ‘space' in which the person can re-centre themselves in the present. Mindfulness-based therapists can work with individuals and groups and will usually integrate mindfulness into another modality, in which they are already trained". (BACP).

In the last few years mindfulness has become very popular within the therapy field. The techniques drawn from mindfulness can help to alleviate symptoms in the present and over the longer term can enable us to take control of our thoughts and feelings rather than being controlled by them. With practice mindfulness can assist in making great changes to habitual patterns which seem out of our control and are causing us to be unhappy and preventing us from living the life that we would wish to.

Mindfulness Groups

I also offer a mindfulness programme in a group setting. The groups are facilitated by myself and a female colleague and last for a 12 week period. The programme is a rolling one and members can complete the 12 weeks on a weekly basis or over longer period if this works better for them. Please contact me for more details.

Positive Psychology

"Happiness is not simply dependent on a persons genes. It is a set of skills that can be taught, and, with practice, developed over time...Studying the roots of good, healthy and positive behaviour is just as important as studying human pathologies. To promote individual and social well-being science must examine how people overcome difficult circumstances and how they develop positive emotions and relationships" (Greater Good Science Centre).

I often draw on the research findings and practices of Positive Psychology in my work with clients. Looking at the issues that are making us unhappy is, of course, at the heart of therapy but it is often helpful to also explore practices that can lead to increased happiness moving forwards.


I offer Zoom sessions (depending on presenting issues) and work with clients within the UK and internationally.

Member organisations

school Registered / Accredited

Registered / Accredited

Being registered/accredited with a professional body means an individual must have achieved a substantial level of training and experience approved by their member organisation.

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP)

BACP is one of the UK’s leading professional bodies for counselling and psychotherapy with around 60,000 members. The Association has several different categories of membership, including Student Member, Individual Member, Registered Member MBACP, Registered Accredited Member MBACP (Accred) and Senior Registered Accredited Member MBACP (Snr Acccred). Registered and accredited members are listed on the BACP Register, which shows that they have demonstrated BACP’s recommended standards for training, proficiency and ethical practice. The BACP Register was the first register of psychological therapists to be accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA). Accredited and senior accredited membership are voluntary categories for members who choose to undertake a rigorous application and assessment process to demonstrate additional standards around practice, training and supervision. Individual members will have completed an appropriate counselling or psychotherapy course and started to practise, but they won’t appear on the BACP Register until they've demonstrated that they meet the standards for registration. Student members are still in the process of completing their training. All members are bound by the BACP Ethical Framework and a Professional Conduct Procedure.

National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society (NCPS)

The National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society This Not For Profit association of counsellors and psychotherapists aim to support the counselling profession, members and training organisations. In 2013 the NCS register was accredited by the Professional Standards Authority under the Accredited Voluntary Register Scheme. Accredited by the Professional Standards Authority.

The Association for Counselling and Therapy Online (ACTO)

The Association for Counselling and Therapy Online

Accredited register membership

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy
Accredited Register Scheme

The Accredited Register Scheme was set up in 2013 by the Department of Health (DoH) as a way to recognise organisations that hold voluntary registers which meet certain standards. These standards are set by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).

This therapist has indicated that they belong to an Accredited Register.

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy
National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society
Accredited Register Scheme

The Accredited Register Scheme was set up in 2013 by the Department of Health (DoH) as a way to recognise organisations that hold voluntary registers which meet certain standards. These standards are set by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).

This therapist has indicated that they belong to an Accredited Register.

National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society

Areas of counselling I deal with

Other areas of counselling I deal with

I also have a particular interest in working with HSP (highly sensitive people). Highly sensitive people make up around 15-20 percent of the population, although the condition has not received the academic attention that it deserves. Over my years in practice I have worked with many Highly Sensitive People.

Are you highly sensitive? The following link will take you to a website supplying more information and a short test: .       

Please also see my vlog on HSPs below.

I am the host of the podcast #psychotherapyunfogged. I interview guests with lived experience of different mental health areas and mental health professionals from the UK and abroad. The podcast is supported by Ambridge Media in Melbourne. 

 The latest episodes can be found using this link:


Therapies offered

Photos & videos


£65.00 per session
Free initial telephone or online session

Concessions offered for

  • check_circle Keyworkers
  • check_circle Trainee counsellors

Additional information

£65 per 50 minute individual session.
£85 per 50 minute couple session.

ADHD Coaching - 6 fortnightly sessions - £500

Specialised Neurodivergent Couples Counselling (ASD, ADHD, HSP): 6 fortnightly sessions and initial consultation package - £900.

I can provide concessions where required and offer a reduced rate for counselling and psychotherapy students.

Low rate for clients with learning difficulties.  

When I work

I have flexible availability with some daytime appointments, evenings and Saturday mornings.

Further information

Mark+Rainbow+Flag.pngI have worked with many LGBTQI+ clients and and welcome both individuals and couples from the LGBTQI+ community.

I am experienced in working with clients wishing to explore and/or transition their gender identities.

I adhere to BACP, NCSP and ACTO ethical guidelines and have ongoing monthly clinical supervision.

I offer both short and long term psychotherapy. Short term therapy would generally take place over 5 to 10 sessions dependent on the client's presenting issues. At the end of the agreed sessions we would review the sessions completed and decide if the work is complete. If not we can agree to continue.

Short term therapy is not suitable for all presenting issues and in the initial session we will be able to discuss this. The length of any therapy depends on the client. Some seek therapy to work through one particular problem and once this is achieved they may decide to leave. Sometimes people bring long standing problems that may take a bit more time to resolve. Sometimes clients come along for a few sessions and decide to stay longer as other areas come up that they wish to deal with.


"We came to Mark after having problems within our marriage, we would argue or ignore each other in times of conflict, not knowing where to turn As a last resort to save our marriage, we looked into having couples counselling sessions. We found Mark to be the ideal counsellor and never looked back once meeting him".

"We experienced Mark as very patient, non-judgemental, warm and a good listener. His guidance was more than we could ever have asked for. Mark allowed us to work through all of our problems and instead of running away from each other, now turn towards each other to communicate in a way that brings us closer and helped save our marriage".

"Mark was extremely helpful to me and I recommend his service very highly. He is caring, open and a fantastic listener. Mark is very knowledgable about a wide range of psychotherapeutic approaches and applies them with great sensitivity and insight".

Type of session

In person

Types of client

Young adults (18-24)
Adults (25-64)
Older Adults (65+)
Employee Assistance Programme

Key details

Stratford has wheelchair accessibility.

Online platforms



In person

My supervision is influenced by psychodynamic, systemic and mindfulness models. I am happy to work with newly qualified and experienced therapists.

View supervision profile
