Anne Bolton

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MBACP/EMDR/Your Choice Counselling Services - Mobile Service
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About me

Each person is 'unique' and a 'one cap fits all' approach does not achieve the best results, therefore I offer a service which is tailored around 'you' and 'your' needs, whether you are seeking individual, couple - family relationship counselling.

I offer a variety of therapeutic methods using an integrative approach combining 1-1 Talking Therapy, EMDR (Eye Movement, Desentisization & Reprocessing), Creative Therapy using Buttons, Shells, Pebbles, Dream Work, Visualization & Relaxation techniques.

I am  a fully qualified Person Centred Counsellor - or 'Client Focused Counsellor' as I prefer to call it, meaning our work together is focussed around 'You'.

I am also an Accredited EMDR Practitioner with EMDR Europe, working with Trauma, PTSD, Pain Management, Anxiety, Fears & Phobias.

Why you may choose to access Counselling / Talking Therapy

Life changes, life styles and life in general impact upon all of us, for example, difficulties in the workplace, bereavements and relationship issues and breakdowns, causing us all at times to suffer from anxiety, depression, addictions alongside feelings of guilt, anger, low self confidence and minimal self value. How we 'manage' these situations is key to our mental health well-being.

Stress and generalised anxiety can affect our personal and working relationships. Often when one area of our lives is affected by stress / anxiety this has a 'knock on' effect on other areas of our lives also, which can impact upon our ability to 'fully function' on a daily basis.

Once we begin to 'accept' what is happening within our lives we can begin to move 'forwards', freeing us from being 'stuck' and working towards releasing some of the pain we are experiencing.

From my own experiences I have learnt how difficult certain situations in life can be, and how easy it is to try and put a 'brave face' on things, hoping problems would simply disappear.  However, this is usually not the case, and until I acknowledged, and worked through these issues, I found them re-occurring in many different guises.

If we imagine a disco 'glitterball' as it spins it reveals segments which are shown and segments which are hidden. This is like ourselves, we show certain aspects of ourselves to friends, family and colleagues, and other aspects of ourselves which we keep hidden away. However, in our attempt to hide them, we sometimes show these unknowingly, as they are still parts of us. When we acknowledge these and work with them we enable the glitterball, hence 'ourselves' to spin more freely.

How we will work together

My aim is to work with you in a non-judgemental way, offering an empathic and confidential service.

A 'safe space' where you can just 'be' and explore the situations and emotions you are experiencing, enabling 'achievable' solutions to be found.

If you require couples / relationship counselling I will meet with you both, listen and gain understanding of your needs / concerns, and together we will explore ways for you both to move forwards.

Relationship counselling covers all types of relationships, i.e. parent(s) & child or children, couples and work related issues involving employers / employees.

Family counselling involves working with the family unit around issues which may be affecting the family as a whole.

We all experience difficult times in our lives when we may need some extra support.

These may include;

Individual issues - anger management, lack of confidence, depression, anxiety, stress, gender issues, addictive behaviours, self harm or suicidal ideations.

Couple's issues - lack of effective communication, trust issues, jealousy or affairs.

Family issues - sibling rivalry, school issues - for e.g. bullying, truancy, step parent issues,teenage difficulties or bereavement,

Other issues I work with include; generalised anxiety disorder, addictions, bereavement, phobias, abuse, eating disorders, gambling & internet addiction, obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd), work related stress, self harm, suicidal thoughts and mental health conditions.

We will take things at 'your' pace, with no pressure. Many times just having someone to talk to and make sense of things can be beneficial by itself, other times different approaches can be used.

Counselling sessions arranged at a time to suit you - days / evenings / weekends, and there is no limit to the amount of sessions you may have.  During this time I am also offerinf telephone and email appointments.

Sessions arranged in your own home, therapy room or workplace.

Sessions last for 1 hour, however longer sessions can be arranged if required. EMDR sessions last for 1.5 hours.

Therapeutic approaches I offer

I will explain a little about the approaches I offer, alongside, and in combination with 'Talking Therapy' and how they can add value to our therapeutic work together.

EMDR (Eye Movement, Desentisization & Reprocessing

When we experience trauma in our lives, which maybe around a road traffic accident, personal / industrial injury, survivor of abuse etc. part of our brain helps to 'cope' with the trauma by 'shutting itself down' to what has happened. If we think of the 'Fight, Flight or Freeze' expression, if we cannot fight or run away from what is happening we 'freeze'. This information is then stored sub-consciously, however may impact upon our everyday lives.

For example, if we have been a survivor of abuse our 'conscious' mind may have a negative cognition of feeling 'I am not in control'. If we then let our mind float back to other events in our lives, we may find we have had other situations where we have felt 'not in control'.
EMDR works by processing the negative cognition by de-sensitization this belief and then reprocessing a new belief into a positive cognition, for example, I am in control'.

How does EMDR work ?

EMDR  accesses ‘internal’ information which is stored in the subconscious part of our brain, by using ‘external’ bilateral stimulation, for example, eye movements, body tapping or listening to different tones.

When this internal and external combination is used, we are able to feel how past experiences are affecting us in the ‘here and now’, even though they may have happened many years ago.

This is similar to when we dream, using REM (Rapid Eye Movements) where we are accessing the same unconscious part of our brain.

If we have been in a situation where we can’t ‘fight’ or take ‘flight’, we ‘freeze’ and this unconscious part of our brain is where this information is stored.  This part is where negative beliefs about our self, for example, not feeling good enough, not valued, not safe, not in control etc. are stored, and link back to the earliest event, usually within childhood.

Sometimes we consciously block memories and events as they are too painful, or sometimes we simply forget.  The EMDR helps to process these memories and events and detach the ‘emotional’ and ‘physical’ attachments to these, which then enable us to move forwards

EMDR is effective in the management of pain and ME / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fears & Phobias, Tourettes Syndrome, PTSD, Trauma, Anxiety and Low Self -Confidence.

EMDR also helps with addictive behaviours, for example, smoking eating disorders, drugs & alcohol etc. as it works with the underlying feelings - for example - not feeling 'good enough', feeling a 'failure', 'not in control' etc.

Creative Therapy using Art / Buttons / Shells & Pebbles works by enabling you to explore feelings / situations and see them a as a 'visual' as opposed to just experiencing the emotions. These can help with relationship issues and feelings of anxiety, depression, guilt and anger.

Visualization can be a useful aid into dealing with unresolved issues from your younger life and explores the 'inner child' and 'inner teenager' within the adult mind.

The visualization 'journey' lasts for approximately thirty minutes. This is not hypnosis and during this time you are aware and engaging.

Dream Work explores what your 'unconscious' mind is trying to tell us through dreams and how our 'conscious' mind either does not understand, or maybe 'chooses' not to understand these messages.

When we do not understand or acknowledge these messages, we find we have many different dreams yet with the same message trying to be heard.

By working 'with' the dreams and understanding their meanings we will find both the dreams and 'ourselves' move forwards.

Example case study using Button Therapy - Client X

Client X who was having relationship problems with a partner and chose a small button to represent self and a large button to represent Client X's partner. When Client X was asked to describe feelings about the relationship Client X placed the large button on top of the small button.

It wasn't until this point that Client X realised how trapped Client X felt within the relationship and how Client X had completely disappeared under the partner's button. This enabled Client X to see the relationship as a 'visual' and explore Client X's feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Over the course of the counselling sessions Client X worked with the buttons and was able to see own progress as the button for Client X changed to a larger button and the button for Client X's partner became smaller. This enabled X to gain more insight into the relationship and address ways forward.

Testimonials - Counselling, Creative (button) Therapy, Visualisation & EMDR

"When I was first introduced to Button Therapy I was unsure how this would help me, however from the first time I used the buttons I was surprised at the emotions it brought up within me and how things came to mind that I hadn't thought about for years. From this I was able to break things down into manageable pieces and move forwards in my life" - Client A

"I was surprised how using the buttons showed me how trapped I was feeling within my relationship. When I could see this something changed within me and I realised I needed to stop taking on everyone elses responsibilities and concentrate on me. I used the buttons for several weeks and saw how things were changing for me, I finally realised I had moved on" - Client B

"I always wanted to try visualisation, so when it was suggested in the counselling session I thought I would give it a go. I don't relax very easily so I didn't think it would work for me. It lasted for about 30 minutes and I was able to talk to Anne throughout. It was really powerful and brought up a lot of things, which I thought I had forgot, or maybe chosen to forget from my childhood. In the visualisation I was able to see my parents and myself as a child. When I was young they looked so big, yet in the visualisation they didn't look so big after all. Afterwards I realised there was still a child part in me even though I was an adult, and I was still hurting as a child. I was then able to address this and work through it" - Client C

"My husband and I needed some help to focus on why we became married and not just focus on all the issues we have faced. The use of buttons enabled us to focus on one issue at a time - thus enabling us to work with it." Clients D & E

"Always attentive, I felt that I was listened to all the time and was given space to think through my moments of discovery. Anne was extremely empathic and supportive alongside me on my journey of discovery. I enjoyed using the buttons, it gave me something to visualise and helped me see my difficulties from another perspective. The end session helped me see how much work I had done over the weeks." Client F

"Wasn't sure about this at first, but by the end of the first session I saw how helpful this was in allowing me to focus on things more, and look at things in different ways". Client G ( regarding button

"This was a great help for me to be able to just talk to someone about my problems without being judged, really helped me to come to my own decisions. Was really good in helping to decide how I felt about a situation or person, and why I felt that way, helped me realise it was more important how 'I' felt not what 'others' felt". Client H (regarding talking therapy & button therapy)

"I particularly liked this type of therapy as it changes one's perception of everyday situations in a way that I found extremely informative & helpful". Client I (regarding talking therapy & button therapy)

"I felt comforted knowing that whatever happened through the week I had a safe apace to talk about it with you" (Client J regarding talking therapy)

"During sensitive subjects it helped to focus on the buttons as a person / situation. It helped to focus on the buttons as a person / situation. It intensified the concentration". (Client J regarding button therapy)

"I had been having counselling for some time when it was suggested that I try EMDR. I was a bit unsure because I didn't know anything about this type of therapy. I did some research and decided to give it a go. It's something I can't explain BUT I can only say I don't know where my life would be without this type of therapy. After one session this was enough to convince me of the validity of this and how well it works. Do not be afraid or unsure to try it." (Client K - excerpts from ongoing client receiving EMDR Therapy)

"Visual and practical realisations of situations - helped me show emotions and feelings by using objects so I was able to see clearly" (Client L regarding creative / button therapy)

"When doing this I feel I have been able to overcome a time in my life that was 'stuck' in my head. I have now been able to move on" (Client L regarding visualisation)

" Has enabled me to process difficult situations / memories and not have the same emotional and physical connection with them" (Client L regarding EMDR Therapy)

"Allowed me to identify individual issues easily" (Client M regarding creative / button therapy)

" Very useful, helped with my sleeping and general confidence. Identified a number of issues that I wasn't aware were a problem" (Client M regarding EMDR Therapy)

"The initial Talking Therapy was initially difficult for me, but thanks to your help and support I was able to disclose some things I have held private for a long time!. (Client N)

"This was a little confusing at first as I am not very creative, however once I understood the concept I think it helped a lot" (Client N regarding Creative Therapy)

"I was amazed at how simple but effective the EMDR was. This therapy without doubt changed me as a person".

"Always easy to talk in a relaxed atmosphere. Huge benefits from this process to realise and understand what issues you have" (Client O regarding Talking Therapy)

"Amazing results, just complete 12 sessions and have not felt as positive, confident and 'normal' since problems began 4 years ago". (Client O regarding EMDR Therapy)

"I felt this along with the EMDR really helped my progress, being able to talk, cry or laugh with someone I don't know." (Client P regarding Talking Therapy)

"I felt this was difficult to imagine at first but once I stopped my mind from thinking everyday jobs I felt calm and positive." (Client P regarding Visualization)

"I really struggled at first whether I was doing it right or sometimes struggling to get things toome up, but it was working without me knowing it was. I am in such a better place and able to deal with situations differently to how I used to before EMDR." (Client P regarding EMDR Therapy)

"I undertook a course of EMDR with Anne and I found that the emotional issues from the past that had been hindering me, and holding me back for years have been dealt with, It seemed strange that by working with eye movements, whilst processing deep rooted fears and anxieties, led to my thoughts, feelings and behaviour becoming desensitised to the overwhelming emotions that had controlled me for so long.. The anxiety and fear which used to hold me prisoner and was holding me back, and keeping my self-esteem and confidence at rock bottom, is now beginning to ease and subside, and I am able to move forwards again. Anne's experience and expertise in this area, and her supportive, empathetic approach, made me feel at ease and embrace the changes and deal with traumatic events and deep-seated emotions. At times it was very difficult and felt like I had been on a long journey in such a short space of time but it was well worth it in the end." (Client Q regarding EMDR Therapy)

"After a session I felt extraordinary and wondered if this was just a temporary state of elation. I soon found out it was not.!! My EMDR sessions were life changing, and just as I knew I never felt 'good enough' - I now feel and know that ' I am'. I am able to move forward and embrace life in the best way I can". (Client R regarding EMDR Therapy)

"Found the EMDR to be exactly what I needed. Changed my life without a doubt. Treatment and sessions given professionally. Big thank you." (Client S)

"A good technique to help explore events, helped me make sense of a difficult situation". (Client T - regarding EMDR Therapy)

"Having tried a number of therapies before, I went into EMDR with no real expectations, but it has completely changed my life!" (Client U)

"Being able to visually represent really suited me. This influenced my choice when looking for a therapist as I didn't feel that talking, alone, would help me get the most out of therapy." (Client V regarding Creative Therapy)

"I was sceptical at first but amazed to discover what came up and how it represented such vivid visual images." (Client V regarding EMDR Therapy)

" I met Anne at the very worst time in my life. I had lost all hope that anything in my life could or would improve. In fact, when Anne told me about EMDR Therapy, and she felt positive that it would be so effective, I almost laughed in her face. However, I am so glad that I chose to take the chance. If you are reading this, wondering whether to speak to Anne, I urge you to do it, and do it now!.

I won't pretend that the therapy was an easy process. At the end of every session though, I felt lighter, stronger, and more positive. I met Anne in early January 2016, lost, broken and after a suicide attempt. Fast forward to the end of March and everything (I can't stress that enough) everything is 100% better. I have never been happier, freer, more centred and above all more confident. I now trust and love myself and my family. I am filled with ideas for the future and believe I have the ability and freedom to attain anything I set my mind to." (Excerpts from Client W regarding EMDR Therapy)

"Felt uncomfortable doing this at first but it worked brilliantly & changed my outlook on life." (Client X regarding EMDR Therapy)

"This was a great sense of comfort." (Client Y regarding Creative Therapy)

"Fantastic. Really helped to relax me and reduce anxieties." (Client Y regarding EMDR Therapy)

"I felt it was nice to be able to talk openly, it instantly put my mind at rest". (Client Z regarding Talking Therapy)

"Really enjoyed EMDR as I wasn't sure what to expect. Really happy with how it's gone!" (Client Z regarding EMDR Therapy)

"I found it worked tremendously and quickly, and surprised with the results. I am a lot more relaxed and able to concentrate and not affected by past events. I would recommend." (Client AA regarding EMDR Therapy)

"Anne was very open with me, extremely easy to talk to and did extensive research on my background. I never felt uncomfortable around any subject. Was sceptical about this at first but grew accustomed to it."
(Client BB regarding EMDR Therapy)

"This was touched on a couple of times and I enjoyed the visualisation, made me feel relaxed, even after stress." (Client BB regarding Visualisation / Dream Work )

" The service provided was excellent, I personally there to be no room for improvement and it has helped me so much. The EMDR was amazing and helped me to resolve a lot of my past problems I've struggled to deal with myself." (Client CC regarding Talking Therapy & EMDR Therapy)

"Helpful to try a different approach. Visualisation helped me to see things differently and helped me to be a bit more imaginative. EMDR helped me to notice how feelings manifested physically." (Client DD regarding EMDR Therapy.

"Anne made me feel comfortable enough to recount memories I had locked away, helping me to come to terms with things I'd tried not to think about for years. I was very sceptical about EMDR, but was quickly proved wrong. The treatment was very effective, improving my state of mind from severely depressed to contented" Anne helped me visualise the pain I was experiencing from an accident & with her help I could imagine the pain draining away...strange nut true! (Client EE regarding Talking Therapy, Visualisation & EMDR Therapy)

"Anne immediately put me at ease and I found being able to talk to her about events easy, and was very comfortable in the knowledge it was in confidence. Talking helped me a lot and I always left feeling 'lighter' and less stressed. The treatment helped me to overcome my fear of road travel following an accident, and I can now travel without being over cautious and anxious. It also alleviated stress I was experiencing." (Client FF regarding Talking Therapy & EMDR Therapy)

"I found EMDR Therapy was one therapy I needed to reduce my anxieties and depression. Really happy with changes it made. Thank you!"  (Client GG regarding EMDR Therapy)

"I found talking about my feelings very beneficial bust most of all learning to identify the triggers for negative emotions, and learning I have a choice in how I feel/react/perceive them has had a huge impact on me" (Client HH regarding Talking Therapy & EMDR Therapy)

"Being in the comfort of my own home.  Anne is very approachable and attentive.  Anne had various methods to help me engage if I was unable to.  EMDR has been an extremely positive experience for me and I would recommend it for anyone trying to overcome a trauma"  (Client II regarding EMDR Therapy)

"Sometimes this is what I wanted to do rather than the EMDR - it felt like I wanted / needed to offload rather than deal with 'arising issues' in the abstract.  Anne facilitated this.  (Client JJ regarding Talking Therapy)

"Used a few times.  Sometimes opened things up, sometimes less so.  Hard to know why the difference on the different occasions"  (Client JJ regarding Creative Therapy)

"Very useful especially early in the process when it was difficult to articulate what I was feeling / experiencing.  Gave a non-linear way of working with what was 'behind' the trauma, and a 'voice' to those feelings / experiences.  Well worthwhile"  (Client JJ regarding EMDR Therapy)

"I had no idea what to expect at first but Anne immediately put me at ease.  As the sessions went on I felt more calm, and at the end more able to cope.  I think Anne coming to my home helped"  (Client KK regarding EMDR Therapy)

"EMDR changed my life.  I was astonished by the impact it had. Anne is professional, knowledgeable and kind.  I will miss working with her."  (Client LL regarding EMDR Therapy)

" I like this, it's tangible, its an objective way of externalising "stuff", examining it and working out what needs to be done" (Client MM regarding Creative Therapy)

" I don't know what to say about EMDR.  I swing between it being a proven technique to a 'suspend all belief, the earth is flat' scenario.  I think time will be the determining factor on whether it has been effective.  I am working hard on just trying to accept it as it is, what it is.  Maybe ask the question again in 6 months"  (Client MM regarding EMDR Therapy)

"I found my sessions with Anne very cathartic as I realised over time that my issue was not actually what I thought it was.  I released many emotions I had no idea were stored away and found our time massively helpful in ways I had never considered"  (Client NN regarding EMDR Therapy)

" Anne came to see my daughter after 3 years of nhs services failing to improve her mood.  She has literally saved her life!  EMDR is a miracle cure when you think all hope is lost.  Her brain has actually been rewired, it's amazing.  I can't thank Anne enough for giving us our girl back, our family life has changed beyond words, it was a living hell, now everything feels normal, it's unbelievable! If you're thinking of making an appointment, don't hesitate, you could not find better, your search for the best therapist stops here, it'll be the best money you ever spent.  Thank you Anne" (Parent of Client OO regarding EMDR Therapy)

"I thought Talking Therapy was very useful and cathartic. I feel better getting things out into the open and off my chest"  (Client PP regarding Talking Therapy)

"I was sceptical at first but found that using these techniques I have been able to control my feelings much better.  I am looking forward now, not back.  On the whole all of my aims have been achieved"  (Client PP regarding EMDR Therapy)

"I found talking to Anne about my problems boosted my confidence of talking in general.  More than that it was satisfying to talk to with and listen to my problems.  I don't think Anne needs any improvement in this therapy, her patience and advice have been enough to help[ me work through my stress and trauma".  (Client QQ regarding Talking Therapy)

"We touched on this a little, and despite not continuing this type of beyond one session, I still found this helpful and eye-opening to how I view my relationships with the people around me.  For improvement, I would suggest carrying on with this method for a few more sessions and seeing if any more progress can be made".  (Client QQ regarding Creative Therapy)

"Anne has taught me visualisation such as 'jar on the shelf' method, which has helped me control my worries and put them aside temporarily to focus on my responsibilities.  Before I met Anne, I used to have weeks of non-stop stress clawing at my head, but now after being introduced to this method, I can take my time on addressing my stress and choosing when to think about them.  We also did some talk on dream work and, again, Anne has listened patiently as I talked about certain dreams that have bothered me and helped me come to terms with what they could mean in my waking life.  I don't think Anne needs to improve on any of these therapies". (Client QQ regarding Visualisation & Dream Work)

"EMDR techniques Anne taught me, such as the 'tapping method' have helped as a physical reminder of keeping calm and focussing on the positives of a situation, or just the positives in general.  Reinforcing what I can control instead of what I can't has really contributed to keeping a level head in stressful situations.  I don't feel this needs any improvement". (Client QQ regarding EMDR Therapy)

"I was quite sceptical about undergoing EMDR therapy so I was surprised to find that it did help to reprocess my feelings about a recent traumatic event which was dramatically impacting negatively on my life,  Anne was reassuring, supportive and easy to talk to"  (Client RR regarding EMDR Therapy)

"Anne is a fantastic Counsellor.  I felt I could trust her and she really listened.  I also felt that Anne challenged me in a good way to help guide me to my own conclusions.  She always created a calm and safe environment."  (Client SS regarding Talking Therapy)

"I loved this, I found the visualisation aspect of using this really useful and it has resonated with me since and helped me move forwards".  (Client SS regarding Creative Therapy)

"Found the reprocessing and EMDR really beneficial.. I would recommend this to anyone over talking therapies due to it's effectiveness."  (Client SS regarding EMDR Therapy)

"I just wanted to say thank you so much for all you have done over the past 10 weeks.  I felt like you listened to what I was saying and took the time without being judgemental.  I didn't really know what to expect from the sessions but I looked forward to every one and enjoyed them - especially the shells and buttons as it helped me to make sense of everything and move forward.  You have helped me on my journey of knowing what it feels like to relax and it feels great!"  (Client TT regarding EMDR Therapy and Creative Therapy)

I often thought "what am I going to talk about this week" but when Anne was due to leave I was stunned by how quickly it went and actually disappointed the time was over.  She is such a good listener and every week she remembered details from the previous weeks, and it mad me feel I could trust her with anything.  She unlocked so much stuff in my head that I didn't even know was still there.   With Anne's support and expertise I've been able to put to bed demons and guilt that has weighed heavily on me for years.  At the start of my journey I didn't really know what I needed but as the sessions went by I began to feel lighter, a better person, my self-esteem improved and I banished age old issues to allow me to focus on what was important.  I was sad when we finished as I knew I'd miss Anne from a personal perspective as well as for her professionalism and expertise."  Creative Therapy - "I loved this.  I still visualise the objects I was drawn too and what they personally  represented to me.  Anne allowed me to explore and reflect on items that brought back childhood good memories, symbolic meanings to special events and attachments to the very special people in my life.  Anne is very calming, understanding, and non-judgemental which made me feel very safe.

I had heard of EMDR but to be honest I did not know how it worked and what it would achieve.  Anne explained this in such good detail and was very patient explaining each step, every week.  Anne made me feel totally relaxed and gave me a coping mechanism when I feel a moment of anxiety and it helps me to put things into perspective and calmly."

(Client UU regarding Talking Therapy, Creative Therapy & EMDR Therapy)

My working experience:

I have many years experience of working in the social care sector with children, young and older adults, couples and families who have multiple and complex behavioural, social & emotional needs who are living within dysfunctional relationships.

These have included;

People with physical and learning difficulties, mental health issues, for example; generalised anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, bi-polar, manic depression and borderline personality disorders,addictions, compulsive behaviours, anger issues and drug & alcohol dependencies.

My experience is also working with people who are suffering from work related stress, industrial injuries, bereavement, relationship concerns and other general counselling issues.

I undertake para-legal work working with people who have suffered trauma through road traffic accidents, who may access counselling for pain management, PTSD and generalised anxiety.


I work throughout all areas of East Lancashire including Burnley, Pendle, Rossendale, Hyndburn, Blackburn with Darwen plus bordering areas including Todmorden / Hebden Bridge, Bury and the Ribble Valley.

I offer counselling in your own home or I have access to rooms in Darwen & Blackburn or other areas throughout East Lancashire if preferred. The choice is up to 'you'.

It is important 'You' make the 'right' decision for 'You'

Thank you for taking the time to read my profile, you have now made the first step towards freeing yourself from the emotional 'baggage' so many of us experience at many times throughout our lives.

Looking forward to working with you soon.

Companies / Organisations /EAPs

Workplace stress can lead to unsettlement of the workforce and lower productivity within the workplace.

I offer Counselling / EMDR to staff and employees who may, for example, be suffering from general workplace stress, facing disciplinary action or suffering from trauma and is usually offered in blocks of six sessions after an initial session has taken place.

Group Therapy - Creative Therapy / Relaxation Sessions / Techniques offered to workplaces / mental health establishments etc. to aid communication and de-stress.

Testimonial from group Relaxation / Visualisation Therapy

" I enjoyed my journey and got lost in the experience. Would like to do it all again, felt relaxed and free"
" Really enjoyed the session, I felt really relaxed and took things off my mind "
" I totally enjoyed it, eased my pain and can't wait to do it again "
" I was very relaxed and comfortable. I have never been able to relax this much until now "

Para-Legal Work

I offer Counselling / EMDR to people who have suffered industrial injuries, road traffic accidents, health neglect etc. who maybe referred, or choose to access counselling to help manage both the physical and emotional effects of trauma.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, a paper copy regarding personal information collecting / storing etc. detail will be given to each client(s) before therapy commences.

Training, qualifications & experience

My training includes;

Diploma Level 4 in Counselling, Theory & Practice (MBACP Registered Therapist)
EMDR Parts 1, 2 & 3 (EMDR Europe Accredited Practitioner)
Counselling Skills Level 3
Counselling Skills Level 2
Certificate in Counselling Skills
Foundation Course In Advocacy
Independent Mental Health Advocacy
Trauma and Somatic Experiencing
ILM Level 4 Management
Stage 1 Practice Educator
Domestic Violence training to Nat Occupational Standards
Health & Social Care
Equal Opportunity & Diversity
P.O.V.A. & Child Protection
Learning Disabilities Award Framework (L.D.A.F)

I have many years experience of working therapeutically with children, young and older adults who have social, behavioural and emotional issues, suffered domestic violence and drug / alcohol addictions.

I also have experience of working with clients who are suffering from workplace stress, relationship breakdowns, bereavement, anxiety, low self-confidence, gender issues and obsessive compulsive disorders.

I have undertaken voluntary counselling placements at a Women's Refuge, Sure Start Centre and a Homeless Project.

I have worked for Lancashire County Council in social care settings with clients who have multiple and complex needs - physical and emotional. alongside statutory and non-statutory establishments with clients who have mental health issues.


For further information please copy and paste the links below.

Member organisations

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP)

BACP is one of the UK’s leading professional bodies for counselling and psychotherapy with around 60,000 members. The Association has several different categories of membership, including Student Member, Individual Member, Registered Member MBACP, Registered Accredited Member MBACP (Accred) and Senior Registered Accredited Member MBACP (Snr Acccred). Registered and accredited members are listed on the BACP Register, which shows that they have demonstrated BACP’s recommended standards for training, proficiency and ethical practice. The BACP Register was the first register of psychological therapists to be accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA). Accredited and senior accredited membership are voluntary categories for members who choose to undertake a rigorous application and assessment process to demonstrate additional standards around practice, training and supervision. Individual members will have completed an appropriate counselling or psychotherapy course and started to practise, but they won’t appear on the BACP Register until they've demonstrated that they meet the standards for registration. Student members are still in the process of completing their training. All members are bound by the BACP Ethical Framework and a Professional Conduct Procedure.

EMDR Association UK (EMDR UK)


Accredited register membership

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy
Accredited Register Scheme

The Accredited Register Scheme was set up in 2013 by the Department of Health (DoH) as a way to recognise organisations that hold voluntary registers which meet certain standards. These standards are set by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).

This therapist has indicated that they belong to an Accredited Register.

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy

Areas of counselling I deal with

Other areas of counselling I deal with

Individuals, Couples, Families, Organisation & Employee Counselling offered.

EMDR, Integrated Therapy , Brief Therapy, Time Limited Therapy and Long Term Therapy offered.

Relaxation / Meditation / Visualisation offered to individuals, groups & organisations.

Referrals taken from EAP's, Medico Legal / Para Legal - RTA's, Industrial Injuries, Social Work Cases

Integrated Therapy - EMDR/CBT - Initial Assessment Reports / Final Assessment Reports.

Reports at extra charge - please enquire for details.

Therapies offered


£65.00 - £90.00

Concessions offered for

  • check_circle Trainee counsellors

Additional information


Initial session - £65.00

Sessions - £65.00


Sessions - £65.00

(Couples) Initial Session - £70.00

1 hour - £70.00

Discounts given on block bookings of 6, 10 & 12 sessions.

Referrals taken from Medico Legal / Para Legal / Companies / Organisations / EAP's - Please contact for further details of fees

Reduced fee for students on Counselling Degree / Diploma Courses - £50.00 initial appointment, £45.00 per hour for further sessions (Talking Therapy)
£50 per session - Integrated Therapy- (Talking Therapy / Gestalt / EMDR)

Discounts for block bookings of 10, 12 or 20 sessions.

Small mileage fee may apply for home visits outside the Rossendale area.

Fees can be paid on the day - cash / online banking / - block bookings payable upon first session

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further details.

When I work

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Counselling / EMDR Therapy in the comfort of your own home, therapy room or workplace. I work flexibly around people who work varied shifts - no limit to the amount of sessions you may have.

Further information

Making the decision to access counselling can sometimes be a difficult decision to make.  It is therefore important that it is 'Your Choice' that it is something you wish to do, and to be aware that sensitive issues are likely to arise.   This is all part of the healing process and we will work together through these issues in a 'safe' space, enabling you to deal with and overcome some of the barriers which hinder your daily life.

If you are unsure if counselling is for you I am happy to speak with you to discuss your needs and expectations, to enable you to make a fully informed choice.

Darwen, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB3

Rossendale, Lancashire, BB4

Type of session

In person
Home visits

Types of client

Young people (13-17)
Young adults (18-24)
Adults (25-64)
Older Adults (65+)
Employee Assistance Programme

Key details

DBS check info

In England and Wales, the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS, formerly known as CRB) carry out criminal records checks for individuals working with vulnerable groups, such as children. To find out more, visit , or contact this professional directly
