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Guided imagery and visualisation for therapeutic change
Essential skills for successfully treating a wide range of conditions – such as trauma, addictions, anxiety and depression – as well as making long-lasting behaviour changes and much more....
The rewind technique: Effective treatment for trauma
The rewind technique: Effective treatment for trauma (PTSD) and phobias An essential skill for all mental health professionals, the refined version of the rewind technique you will learn during this...
How to work effectively with troubled teenagers
Discover new ways to motivate and engage young people, promote behaviour change, improve their mental health – and much more. About the programme The programme is varied and intensive, yet liv...
New guided imagery – essential techniques (day 2)
The additional guided imagery techniques you will learn in this workshop are essential for helping people successfully overcome depression, addictions, anxiety and more… This new workshop delv...
Certificate in therapeutic supervision (CPCAB accredited)
This online course is for counsellors who are experienced and either accredited by a professional body or who are eligible for accreditation. If you are interested in incorporating supervision into yo...
Effective conflict resolution
Conflict needn’t always be destructive – properly handled it can prove creative and productive, leading to better outcomes all around. This course will: Help you gain a deeper understa...
The therapeutic power of language masterclass (two-day workshop)
This course is suitable for anyone working with adults, teens or children. The knowledge and skills you will gain have a wide range of applications in addition to therapy and counselling, including co...
How to tell stories that heal – therapeutic storytelling workshop
Stories and metaphors are a powerful way to stimulate hope and bypass resistance – they can also enhance problem-solving and creativity, beneficially impact the mind/body system and much more&he...
How to reduce suicide risk: The practical steps you need to know
This compassionate, life-saving workshop shows you how to assess risk and work successfully with anyone thinking about or planning suicide, or who has survived a previous attempt. Anyone working wit...
Trauma awareness training: Patterns of the past (live CPD event)
Trauma: Patterns of the past - essential trauma awareness training on the causes, symptoms and best ways to treat PTSD Jam-packed full of essential information and important insights, real-life case...
Trauma awareness training: Patterns of the past (live CPD event)
Trauma: Patterns of the past - essential trauma awareness training on the causes, symptoms and best ways to treat PTSD Jam-packed full of essential information and important insights, real-life case...
Online and phone therapy training (live online training)
Delivering online therapy or counselling clients on the phone requires a particular set of skills and brings with it specific considerations. This live online course will help you gain confidence in w...