Local events


Self-esteem workshops - understanding and building your sense of self

Birmingham Open to all

Do you feel at times you struggle to put yourself first? You try to fulfil needs of others but not yourself? Would you like to feel more confident in social situations or personal relationships? Dur...


Humanistic group therapy weekends

Nottingham Open to all

Group therapy weekends 2018 I pleased to announce that I have released new dates for group therapy weekends I am offering throughout 2018: 9th & 10th June 2018 25th & 26th August 2018 20...


Therapeutic yoga class

Kingsbridge Open to all

Therapeutically informed yoga class that encourages self care. Suitable for all ages and fitness levels. The class is gentle and suitable for those with physical and some mental health conditions. Ple...


Well-being walking group

Wirral, Merseyside Open to all

Walking is an activity many of us enjoy. The gentle, rhythmic movement is grounding and, of course, being outdoors in nature can feel very uplifting; when did you ever come back from a walk feeling wo...


Men's therapy group

Norwich And Great Yarmouth Open to all

With the growing concern for men's mental health I am setting up an open and unstructured therapy space to explore these difficulties. 20 years ago I struggled with my mental health and found it near...


Reading group for men

London Open to all

Approaching mid-life can fill a man with dread and fear, but what are we really so scared of? Approaching midlife can provoke a great deal of questions, and many men at this stage in life are looking...


Women’s therapeutic support group with Phine Dahle

Southampton, Hampshire Open to all

This women’s therapeutic support group provides a unique opportunity to explore our relationships, both with ourselves and others; how we perceive ourselves and others perceive us. Through shar...


UMEmamas Hove - Thursday meet

Hove Open to all

UMEmamas Hove is a therapeutic peer-to-peer, facilitated support group. Honest, non-judgemental, curious and supportive of you and your world of motherhood, the group offers a chance to share your ex...


UMEmamas Brighton - Monday meet

Brighton Open to all

An honest, supportive community group, using mindfulness and yoga as tools to nurture mothers.The group starts with a grounding meditation or yoga practise to help you ground and connect to yourself a...


Open to nature - practical techniques to enhance your life

Oakham, Rutland Open to all

Open to nature is a series of group sessions designed to enable adults to connect with the natural world of which we are all a part. Nature can help us in so many ways. These include becoming: more...


Mindful walking group

Manchester Open to all

A mindful and therapeutic one and a half hour walking group to ease the mind and stretch your limbs. Experience a gentle walk in nature with simple guided nature connection practices. Suitable for all...

Ongoing, 7.00pm - 9.30pm

The 'Kevin syndrome', or coping with the teenage years

Online Open to all

Join in me in looking at how to understand and work with your teenagers by connecting with this new workshop delivery program from your own home. Book with www.onlinevents.co.uk for the 5th, 12th, and...