Maria Kefalogianni
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Supervision details
Currently open to suggestions for group supervision. You can register your interest by emailing me.
A heartfelt welcome to my supervisor profile. Supervision is my big passion!
I provide presence-centered supervision to psychotherapists/counsellors/ psychologists/ social workers/ teachers, and managers in organisations.
Let me start by saying that I fully appreciate that looking for a supervisor is the most essential choice a practitioner is called to make. It is always an invitation to look deeper into your professional and developmental needs each time.
Our professional needs change throughout our career , if we are open to keep the self exploration alive, which is an essential part of our ongoing development. As this is a two-way assessment on the relational resonance between us , I offer an initial 30 hour for free to establish if and how we can work together. I always advise people to bring a client case they would wish to have some support with at our initial session.
My training / experience :
I am a humanistc/integrative therapist, counselling trainer, and supervisor trainer in Counselling & Supervision courses at Salford University.
My core training is in the Person Centred Approach. My supervision training in the integrative model of Hawkins & Shohet. I have had additional training in group analysis, focusing oriented therapy and compassion focused therapy .
The humanistic, and transpersonal are always present in how I relate and what I offer. I find my work is often influenced by a process oriented relational framework more so than a solution focused framework on ways to explore client issues ( eye 2).
Having said that this is also in the conversation when it is needed and I am open in offering suggestions. I naturally tend to the deeper processes at play. It is where the magic exists!
I am an experienced supervisor. I have been supervising since 2013. I have worked with therapists and practitioners in allied professions who have worked in various organisations and roles ( self employed / sole traders / EAP providers / pastoral staff / training institutes / educational settings - school counsellors / GP surgeries / charities and more
. I offer clinical supervision of counselling practice as well as consultancy work for organisations and supervisors ( consultancy supervision/ Supervision of Supervision ).
I am also a trainer of supervisors. I find that my practice and my training role allow me the privilege to keep my knowledge fresh and to remain comfortable in the “not knowing”. It is a true privilege to train therapists become qualified and competent supervisors . This is a time we need the most space holders to provide a truly holding environment to their clients / staff / teams.
. The training I offer is on the 7 eyed model of Supervision (Hawkins& Shohet )
Experience & philosophy:
my work is presence centered, this means it honours the moment-by-moment unfolding in our space - as often the answers / your answers are being revealed through the relationship we establish.
I have attempted to explain what PCS- Presence Centered Supervision is on my profile on my website; check my youtube video here :
My integrative approach to supervision is informed by the in -depth training I have received , my continuous explorations and training and professional investment and my ongoing interest in creative, embodied ways of knowing and
..My experience is that this model can be applied across different theoretical approaches. I am consistently fascinated about the unique tapestry that is co-creted in a supervisory relationship .
although t My approach to Supervision is informed by deeply held person centred values ; it has a growing lens of psycho spiritual phenomena through the pointing of presence and consciousness in the person of the practitioner and the work undertaken with the client.
I see the supervisory relationship as a collegial one and I am always amazed at the richness and learning it can hold for both parties!
As a supervisor I aim to support you to work at the maximum of your potential. I endeavour to create a safe space for you in our relationship so you can be your most authentic self. Authenticity (from both parties ) leads to a strong bond and inner transformations. Creative Ways of processing : I am always keen to hear how and what are the ways in which you learn. I tend to tailor my approach to the ways you assimilate learning. Personally, I love working creatively - I use sandtray or Yungian archetype cards or imagery cards / drawing / clay as some of the various methods in processing client material. Inspired by focusing oriented psychotherapy training . I will also use and draw from somatic/body oriented approaches which inform my work. I attend to the non verbal ways we “carry” our client’s material. I use my body as a vehicle which transports messages ;I find that focusing on my felt sense in combination with my knowledge around mindful embodied practices offer a great foundation for conscious explorations. Creative explorations are illuminating! More recently -and as a result of my integration of healing sounds for my professional training- I find I integrate more organically sounds in my therapy/supervision work. I have begun exploring what its like to invite sounds in sand tray work- soundtray work rather!- as a way of helping you getting un-stuck in your process with your clients.
I am on the alert of any unspoken parallel processes at play! I often feel that a lot of things in therapy remain unsaid ( unacknowledged). It is usually where the therapist’s stuckness manifests- (in other words a sense of incongruence emerges).
My role is to bring you back into congruence/ wholeness/ so you can support your client in the best possible way for them. It is where new knowledge, understanding , and skills can be integrated.
Together ,we “name to tame” these unconscious processes .This brings profound clarity and insight into the work you carry. My role as your supervisor is to observe closely and guide you to bring consciousness to what was before hidden (eg a dysfunctional or stuck dynamic or strong feeling towards client, or feeling burdened by client s issues ),through holding and deep compassion and affirmation of you as a therapist and the right amount of congruence to help you grow. Growth and development in supervision can occur in so many multiple ways. I see you, the supervisee, as the expert of your work with your client.
My task is to help you reconnect with your own resilience, intuition, knowledge when working alongside your clients, in an ethical and robust way.
I have monthly consultancy supervision support in order to enhance my ongoing supervision practice and ensure I can bring myself fully in the relationship. If you wish to have a chat about the way I work you can contact me at 07523217600.
Remote supervision : I do offer remote supervision as well as face to face.
sometimes it might be a challenge to use creative methods via the internet but nothing is impossible! Besides, the layers of the transpersonal are easily accessed from anywhere as well as working with the body/ energetically , dream work and accessing a more expansive state of consciousness.
Practitioners in other countries are accountable and responsible in establishing if the work with myself will be met by their relevant professional bodies.
Fees/ venues: Northenden/South Manchester. (5min drive from Didsbury), M22
( I am open for group supervision input fortnightly or monthly. Group fee: £20 per person. Register your interest and I will contact you when the group is formed or you can suggest to colleagues and form a group. Kind Regards, Maria
BACP is one of the UK’s leading professional bodies for counselling and psychotherapy with around 60,000 members. The Association has several different categories of membership, including Student Member, Individual Member, Registered Member MBACP, Registered Accredited Member MBACP (Accred) and Senior Registered Accredited Member MBACP (Snr Acccred). Registered and accredited members are listed on the BACP Register, which shows that they have demonstrated BACP’s recommended standards for training, proficiency and ethical practice. The BACP Register was the first register of psychological therapists to be accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA). Accredited and senior accredited membership are voluntary categories for members who choose to undertake a rigorous application and assessment process to demonstrate additional standards around practice, training and supervision. Individual members will have completed an appropriate counselling or psychotherapy course and started to practise, but they won’t appear on the BACP Register until they've demonstrated that they meet the standards for registration. Student members are still in the process of completing their training. All members are bound by the BACP Ethical Framework and a Professional Conduct Procedure.
Accredited register membership
The Accredited Register Scheme was set up in 2013 by the Department of Health (DoH) as a way to recognise organisations that hold voluntary registers which meet certain standards. These standards are set by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).
This therapist has indicated that they belong to an Accredited Register.