Writing for well-being

07905 738 298 07905 738 298
19th May 2018, 10.30am - 3.30pm
Open to all
£40 (£30 consessions)
Earthbeat Centre, Marske Road, Saltburn By The Sea, North Yorks/Teesside, TS12 1QA

This is a day of writing for well-being aimed at people who want to express themselves through the written word. Dahlian is a counsellor, teacher and writer. She will lead you through a day of written exercises aimed at helping you to be in touch with your feelings and reflect on your thoughts. The day may be seen as a one-off creative experience or a way of starting your off on a new adventure.

The session will be held in the Earthbeat Centre in a cosy room used usually for yoga. There is a cafe on site. The Earthbeat Centre is in the beautiful seaside town of Saltburn-by-the Sea.

No experience is needed, just a willingness to have a go.

As the numbers will be limited a deposit is required.

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Hosted by Dahlian Kirby

I teach counselling, work for myself as a counsellor and also counsel for a charity. I have written plays, short stories, magazine articles and a children's novel The Urban Turbans. I have a PhD in philosophy. I am a member of BACP.