Working with abuse

01262 229 698 01262 229 698 / 07956 508 762 07956 508 762
25th November 2017, 10.00am - 4.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
East Riding College, Flemingate Campus, Beverly, East Yorkshire, HU17 0GH

This is the second of a series of CPD sessions for counsellors and other professionals held at East Riding College and led by a qualified counsellor.

This course will cover all kinds of abuse including physical, mental, alcohol, drugs and self-harm. It will show how it can influence everyday life for some people. It will give you tools to understand how you can work with these conditions.

Course Requirements

  • For people who are working with abuse or have had abuse in their lives.
  • An interest in understanding about abuse.
  • Happy to look at it in an open and honest way.
  • Happy to take a Confidentiality agreement.


A minimum of 15 students with a maximum of 30 students.

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