Woodland mindfulness and bushcraft

07920 408 849 07920 408 849
16th - 17th May 2020, 9.30am - 5.00pm
Open to all
Chirk Castle, Chirk, Wrexham, LL14 5AF

Immerse yourself in a whole weekend of mindfulness in the woods, accompanied by a range of bushcraft activities aimed at focusing the mind and increasing awareness and appreciation of the natural world. Throughout the weekend, you will be guided by four tutors, each with their own specialities and experience in their field. Join us around the campfire amongst the beautiful woods and parkland of the National Trust’s Chirk Castle estate in North East Wales for a relaxing weekend of learning in nature. Over the weekend you will experience a range of mindfulness techniques and practical bushcraft skills which you can then practice for yourself.

Weekend activities will include;

  • discovering the seven principles of mindfulness
  • greenwood crafts: spoon carving and peg making
  • awakening our 'animal senses'
  • using traditional tools; knife, axe, and froe
  • breathing space meditation
  • crafting your woodland getaway; shelter building skills
  • native tree identification and their uses
  • foraging for wild food & wildflower identification
  • body scan meditation
  • natural navigation techniques
  • fox walking; moving mindfully outdoors
  • mindful fire-lighting techniques
  • making herbal teas from wild plants

Mindfulness is a holistic approach to health and well-being.

"The term 'mindfulness' does not refer to a single practise but to a range of practise based approaches, seeking to focus an individuals mind and attention on breathing and patterns of thought as a means to managing emotions, feelings, habitual patterns of behaviours and unregulated critical reactions to events" - Leary & Tate, 2007

Running through all these approaches and therapies, we practice an increased 'awareness' of the self and the environment, 'taking notice' of the present thoughts and conditions, including one’s surroundings and how these impact on the body.

There is now a very large and growing literature evidencing the links between the natural environment and people’s general health and well-being.

Mindfulness in natural settings is a growing movement, and all our tutors are firm believers in the power of nature to be therapeutic for everyone.

Camping is available. For tickets, please visit - www.woodlandclassroom.com/events

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Hosted by Lea Kendall

I am a qualified counsellor, life coach and mindfulness in the woods practitioner. As an Integrative counsellor, I take the view that there is no single approach that can treat each client in all situations. I take a holistic view of each individual and am a firm believer in the power of nature for healing and enhanced well-being.