Therapeutic errors and psychotherapeutic presence – with Dr Ruth

07468 573 866 07468 573 866
12th February 2022, 10.00am - 4.30pm
Counsellors and trainees
Online: £85 (early bird)/£95 from 12 Jan 2022. In-person: £105 (early bird)/£115 from 12 Jan 2022
Bramham Therapy, 6A London Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 1PH

How is it that we sometimes fail a client even when we are so carefully trying not to? We may even reproduce a real failure in the therapy which is very close to the experience of the client’s own childhood trauma.

During this workshop, Dr Birkebaek will speak about small and subtle mistakes made by the therapist as a result of misattunement, which can lead to ruptures in the therapeutic relationship.

As therapists are infallible, therapeutic errors are inevitable, and clients will use these errors to reinforce their self-protective life script system. We will discuss the significance of therapist responsibility-taking as a way to disrupt the client’s old patterns.

This seminar will be in-person (maximum 15) and online, and is open to psychological therapists (including trainees) from all modalities and health professionals.

CPD certificates supplied. For in-person attendees, refreshments and a light lunch will be supplied (parking not included).

Please see our website for full details.

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Hosted by Bramham Therapy

Bramham Therapy - To read more about all our events and to book: We provide cutting-edge Continuing Professional Development seminars for counsellors and psychotherapists from all modalities, including those in training.

Hosted by Bramham Therapy