The quick fix for panic attacks and anxiety

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The Quick Fix: A complete professional treatment plan for anxiety and panic disorder.
If we are to fully recover from anxiety, I do believe knowledge and understanding of its origins and processes is necessary.

BUT what most of my young clients want more than anything is a quick fix for their problems. Simple but clever techniques that are easy to administer to help break the nasty cycles of anxiety, panic and their close relations avoidance and safety behaviours. This IS possible and here I show you how.  

This is a really fun, practical, yet professional course that will help you break these cycles. The exercises will help you build trust and confidence as we go on to studying the issues, giving you a deeper understanding of the issues you face.

Utilising techniques derived from CBT and Mindfulness, the Bored Teen introduces my three ‘Quick Fixes’ that helped him transform his life from one of avoidance and running away to embracing and flourishing in his work, studies, family life and relationships. 

The course comprises animations, PDFs, videos, lectures and e-books all containing lots of practical exercises for you to get involved with as well as a dedicated email service to keep you on track.

Here’s the structure:

1. Understanding Anxiety

2. Recovery Plan

3. The Quick Fix

4. Certificate of Completion

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Hosted by Lesley Shearer

Lesley Shearer Counselling. Lesley is a fully qualified therapist, mindfulness and creative meditation teacher .