The New Pre Trial Therapy guidelines: what it means for therapy

call 07495 061 545 07495 061 545
calendar_today 22nd July 2024, 9.30am - 4.00pm
person Counsellors and trainees
universal_currency_alt £85
location_on Online

We've been waiting a long time for this revision of the Pre Trial Therapy guidance and it's finally published! (On 25th May)

In this new and completely rewritten workshop we will consider what the impact is for therapy and therapists. As well as covering all the important and fundamental principles we will allow plenty of time for you to ask questions and we'll use case studies to bring it to life.

What to expect

After attending delegates will be able to:

  • Understand the requirements of the new PTTG in relation to therapy work.
  • Recognise the need to balance the principles of confidentiality of client data with the Attorney General’s guidelines on disclosure and understand why this matters for therapists.
  • Recognise the components of current GDPR and Data Protection legislation in order to comply with the requirements of the law & current Ethical Frameworks.
  • Revise and adapt current privacy notice, contracts and PTT guidance for clients and service users in order to comply with the new PTTG guidance and current legislation on data protection.
  • Demonstrate increased knowledge & understanding of the legal system.
  • Inform clients of the implications for therapeutic work and future therapy of reporting to the police.
  • Describe to clients the importance of understanding the PTTG and of any contract changes which may result from the criminal proceedings.
  • Handle requests from the police for disclosure of therapy records.
  • Recognise general principles around good note keeping & additional requirements where a client reports SV to the police.

We are also still running our original "Understanding Your Legal Obligations when working with Sexual Violence: Disclosure, Safeguarding & Pre Trial Therapy" course on 12th September - but it's being rewritten to take account of the new guidelines.

This course is particularly useful for therapists who maybe work in private practice or who haven't had any training around what you should/might do if a client discloses sexual or domestic violence or childhood abuse.

Book your place

To find out more or to book a place please visit our website

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Hosted by Lynsey Lowe

Lynsey Lowe is a BACP accredited therapist with extensive experience of working with survivors of childhood abuse. Sally French was a sexual offences specialist lawyer who worked for the CPS for 25 years. She is now a UKCP accredited therapist. Lynsey and Sally both enjoy training and working together to aid survivors and therapists.