Shamanic drumming with horses

01484 845 811 01484 845 811 / 07958 728 610 07958 728 610
16th November 2019, 10.00am - 1.00pm
Open to all
Newgate Cottage, Bradshaw Lane, Slaithwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5UZ

Put down your roots!

This winter's installment takes us deeply and slowly into a grounding practice. The strongest trees are held by the deepest roots to provide, safety, security, balance, and nourishment.

We use these darker winter months to establish our roots, to know where we belong and create security for ourselves.

We will explore...

  • How do we ensure that our needs are met?
  • Do we honour those needs and forgo fear of judgment?
  • Can we create space to feel safe and grounded?
  • How can we weave this into our lives and give it the priority it warrants?

Journeying with the drum and with the guidance of the horses, we will connect with our own personal form of grounding, and look at what this means practically for us.

Cost - £60 (includes light refreshments)

To book or for more information, contact

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Hosted by Julia Hall

Julia is a TA psychotherapist/ counsellor, supervisor and life coach.Working successfully in private practice, offering her clients the options of working in her traditional indoor clinic, walk and talk in beautiful countryside or working with equine and animal facilitated therapy. Julia hosts a variety of workshops throughout the year.