Relational healing for the borderline personality

07468 573 866 07468 573 866
11th September 2021, 10.00am - 4.30pm
Counsellors and trainees
£95 early bird rate (until 10th August 2021) / £105 (from 11th August 2021)

Live Online CPD Event - Relational Healing for the Borderline Personality – with Dr Ruth Birkebaek

For many psychotherapists and counsellors, borderline clients present a professional challenge because of their frequent relational conflicts, varying developmental levels of transference, and their polarisation of emotions, such as idealisation and hate, elation and despair, anger and dependency.

In this workshop, Dr Birkebaek will make use of a developmentally-based, relationally- focused Integrative Psychotherapy to explain the intra-psychic process of clients who suffer from early Affect Confusion and attachment disruptions.

Through lecture, case vignettes, and clinical discussions, this workshop will focus on the significance of an involved therapeutic relationship while emphasising the in-depth methods of psychotherapy that integrates the client’s affect, cognition, physiology and behaviour.

This workshop will be useful to psychotherapists, counsellors and psychologists.

Ruth Birkebaek is an Integrative Psychotherapist, having trained for five years with Richard Erskine. Additionally, Ruth has trained in Psychosomatic Medicine, Jung Therapy and Transactional Analysis. Ruth started her career in Brazil in 1989 as a Plastic Surgeon. After graduating from medical school she became interested in the impact of the mind on the development of physical illness.

She now works full time as a psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice in London, and delivers training in Relational Integrative Psychotherapy. Ruth is a UKCP registered Psychotherapist, a Certified Integrative Psychotherapy Trainer and Supervisor (CIIPTS) by the IIPA (International Integrative Psychotherapy Association) and a Certified Transactional Analyst – Provisional Trainer and Supervisor (PTSTA).

For further details and to book your place, please visit our website

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Hosted by Bramham Therapy

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Hosted by Bramham Therapy