Polyvagal theory and somatic dialogue - residential weekend with Dr Gerhard Zimmermann

02380 320 097 02380 320 097 / 07974 950 808 07974 950 808
12th - 14th April 2019, 5.00pm - 12.00am
Counsellors and trainees
St Colomba's House, Woking, Surrey, GU22 8AB

Polyvagal theory and somatic dialogue - connecting mind and body

Weekend residential with Dr. Gerhard Zimmermann.

Friday timetable:

5pm Arrival and settling in
6pm Evening meal 
7-9pm Seminar

(Saturday final timetable TBC)

Sunday timetable:

12.30 Midday meal
2pm Close 

St Colomba’s House, Woking, Surrey 

"The autonomic nervous system is the basic regulator of our behaviour and wellbeing.

When we are stressed and don’t feel safe, our organism reacts with defensive behaviour patterns. Simple exercises are able to shift our autonomic state from defensive to ventral vagal activity and social engagement. A sense of safety and connectedness allows us to orientate ourselves in the present and influence behaviours that have become dysfunctional and don’t work for us anymore.

In this seminar and workshop, Gerhard will introduce "Smoveys", an exercise tool to reinstall rhythm and flow in areas of the body where movement is limited. They are frequently used by Peter Levine in "Somatic Experiencing". It’s amazing how slow rhythmical exercises support the somatic dialogue and a sense of more aliveness. As with all the other exercises before, we will practice gently and with little effort, to allow personal experiences to emerge."

- Gerhard Zimmermann, 21 Feb 2019.
This will be an opportunity to experience more self-contact and contact with others who are interested in working somatically. Take time to integrate the work we do and work closely with Gerhard and Phine in a supportive and immersive setting. 

St Colomba’s House is a retreat and study centre located in peaceful surroundings, with space for reflection, solitude and community for you to absorb the depth and benefits of our work together.

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Hosted by Josephine Dahle

Dr. Med. Gerhard Zimmermann has been coming to the UK for 25 years. He is an experienced medical doctor working in the field of behavioural medicine, he runs a private practice in Mainz, combining his medical knowledge with psychotherapeutic approaches. He also trained in Gestalt and Behavioural Psychotherapy.

Hosted by Josephine Dahle