Introduction to working with eating disorders

07976 419 793 07976 419 793
17th May 2024, 10.00am - 4.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
Bamboo Grove, 20 Cowgate, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 1NA

Eating disorders are increasingly common. Your client may have come to you about something else, before these issues become apparent. Or, your client may be struggling with disordered eating that would not attract a diagnosis. So it's useful to understand this complex area.

You will learn:

  • Signs, symptoms and risks of eating disorders and disordered eating.
  • What it is like for the client.
  • Factors in the development of eating disorders.
  • Tools and techniques to support clients, including experiential learning through working on your own 'food script'.
  • Competence and referral.

For more information and to book your place, please visit or call Kay on 07976 419793 or email

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Hosted by Kay Hoggett

Your trainers are Kay and Edwina, BACP accredited counsellors with extensive experience as trainers. We both hold 'Master Practitioner' Diplomas from the National Centre for Eating Disorders and are highly experienced in working with this client group.