Introduction to gestalt

01612 572 202 01612 572 202 / 07733 125 528 07733 125 528
16th - 17th November 2019, 10.00am - 5.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
Manchester Gestalt Centre, 7 Norman Road, Fallowfield, Manchester, Lancashire, M14 5LF

This two-day workshop offers an introduction to the gestalt approach. It presents a blend of theory, practice and experiential exercises that enable participants to gain an understanding and flavour of gestalt. It is also an opportunity to develop greater self-awareness and to work with other people in a group environment.

This interactive workshop is suitable for anyone who wants to learn more about Gestalt, including people working in the voluntary sector, mental health and other helping professions, counsellors, psychotherapists, and trainees. If you would like to discuss the training or require more information, please contact the centre either by email or telephone at the Manchester Gestalt Centre.

Times: 10am – 5pm.

Cost: £140.00; early bird - £120.00 if paid by 30th August 2019.

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Hosted by Manchester Gestalt Centre

Manchester Gestalt Centre has been established for over 30 years, offering quality training and therapy from a Gestalt perspective. contact

Hosted by Manchester Gestalt Centre