Individuation, the shadow and the journey of becoming with Stephen Bushell

07468 573 866 07468 573 866
14th November 2020, 10.00am - 4.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
£95 early bird rate before 14/10/2020 / £105 after 14/10/2020

For full details and booking, please see our website -

Carl Jung coined the term 'individuation' to describe living towards wholeness, a life-long path of becoming who we have been born to become. He saw this as being innate to the human psyche, just as it is for an acorn to grow into an oak and for birds to migrate. Therapeutically, for Jung this demands a shift of the centre of our being from the ego to the self, a transition we could say from 'living my life' (serving the needs of ego) to 'life being lived through me'.

This begins with accessing the unconscious to work on the shadow (those aspects of myself that I prefer to not see) and the development of an attitude of seeing the crises of life’s transitions (including the much-spoken of mid-life crisis, as well as ageing) as irruptions of potentiality for further growth towards wholeness.

Following Jung’s assertion that we can only go so far with a client as we have been ourselves, in this workshop participants will be invited to spend some time working on these themes experientially and then in the afternoon move to engaging with these themes in our client work. There will be a balance between didactic teaching, experiential work in small groups, and questions and discussion.

No previous knowledge of Jung is necessary nor expected, just an openness to explore together.

Feedback from Stephen’s previous event

Speaker score: 5/5

“I enjoyed Stephen’s facilitating depth work in a short space of time" - Melanie Kay, Oxford

“Deeply important and significant. Tremendously inspiring and helpful for self and clients" - Angela, Newbury

“Please can you get him (Stephen) back?!" - Alexandra Pilkington

“Stephen was fantastic" - Debbie Kelly

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Hosted by Bramham Therapy

Bramham Therapy - To read more about all our events and to book: We provide cutting-edge continuing professional development (CPD) seminars for counsellors and psychotherapists from all modalities (including those in training).

Hosted by Bramham Therapy