Food, hunger, longing and the body

07969 036 448 07969 036 448
6th - 7th July 2019, 10.00am - 5.00pm
Open to all
£180 before 1st May, £200 thereafter
Total Health West Berkshire, Lower Barn, Lower Henwick Farm, Thatcham, RG18 3AP

This workshop is an opportunity to explore your habits around food in a safe, therapeutic setting. Through deepening your trust in your gut and your appetite, you can learn to access deeper instinctive truths about your needs and your life.

Some of us feel good when we ‘successfully’ control our appetite for food. Although cultivating discipline is hugely rewarding, it can sometimes involve an attitude of pride, seeing appetite as a weakness.

Some of us eat when we are looking to satisfy other needs entirely, ignoring our deeper longings, then feel ashamed about having no self-discipline.

Whether we rigidify and exert control over our appetite or whether we give up or go blank, losing a sense of control, these ways of shaping ourselves around eating invariably extend to how we meet other needs. This is a chance to recognise and influence these emotional, behavioural and attitudinal patterns. 

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Hosted by Rachel Cooper

Facilitated by BACP registered psychotherapists in private practice: Debbi Burch, Humanistic and Somatic Psychotherapist, Rachel Cooper, Humanistic Counsellor and Psychotherapist