Exploring your creativity with the landscape inside and out. A workshop for self-care and wellbeing.

07920 764 404 07920 764 404
4th - 24th August 2019, 9.00am - 5.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
£60 per day’s workshop. Early bird booking £50 (until 4th July)
Movement Changes Life Studio, Station Road, Brentor, Devon, PL19 0LZ

Workshop dates:  4th, 10th, 17th and 24th August from 9 am – 5 pm. In Brentor, near Tavistock, Dartmoor.

  • No previous experience is necessary.
  • Booking is advised as places go quickly.

In a busy world, it is often difficult to find a supportive space in which to:

  • just be
  • express
  • create
  • release
  • let go
  • heal
  • gain understanding.

This unique day’s workshop moves from studio space into the inspirational landscape of Dartmoor.

One day summer workshop with Sarah Boreham, arts practitioner, dance movement psychotherapist, educator. Using creativity, movement, landscape, mindfulness and photography as a powerful resource for wellbeing, self-care and reflection, you will discover how it can help you in your everyday and working life.

No prior experience needed.
Further workshop information
It is easy in life in the blink of an eye to miss an opportunity to access, practice and develop our inherent creativity as humans. This workshop is designed to help you build and practising this great gift, in connection with the world around you – whether that be internal, in your home, an empty space, in a relationship or in the natural world.
It will help build your confidence to believe in your own creative identity and choices, by using a starting point of capturing something uniquely yours in the moment, from the ancient landscape of Dartmoor, whether that be a movement/dance, drawing/painting, music, voicing, writing, landscaping, filming. There will be a chance to have this witnessed if that is something that you want.
Your unique piece of creativity will then be used to connect with your own wellbeing, self-care, mindfulness, release or critical reflection.
Self-care and wellbeing can be about creating art. Often it is a combination of many of these experiences, dance, music, writing, visual art, textures/weaving, photography, film, nature.Dance/arts/narrative is a wonderful method of self-expression. Movements of the body reflect your emotional landscape in life or through a story.

This workshop will help you to focus on you and get you reacquainted with your, bodies and creativity. It’s about identifying feelings, issues and energy that you sometimes don’t even know are there. Creativity illuminates and identifies what we carry and releases these issues in a landscape that feels supportive and containing. This involves getting to know your body and creativity, your sense of being, it involves a process of separating, owning and connecting through arts to landscape and others as a process for self-care, making meaning, being in control of your movement/art while letting go.
This workshop will explore your creativity through your connection with your inner and outer landscape. Passive and active care in the inner landscape and outer.

Inner landscapes can include thoughts, feelings, moving, images, metaphors, stories, beliefs, conflict and through identification of these aspects of self-awareness increases.
Outer Landscapes will explore, studio space, other participants, garden space, nature, moorland space, ground and breathing space.

We will find is that there is no clear division of inner and outer, but by exploring the connections we will make meaning and self-care through the creative process and landscapes.

Original landscaping and bodies workshop concepts formed by:

Sarah Boreham 2016

To book or discuss further please contact me, I would love to hear from you.

Tel 07920764404



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Hosted by Sarah Boreham

I am a registered dance movement psychotherapist, dancer (multi-modal arts practitioner, educator, therapist and counsellor, writer, feminist philosopher). This series of landscape and creativity workshops based on research that highlighted a need for self-care, well being and critical reflection whilst working with the body in therapy.