Business of counselling - a roadmap for private practice

07496 784 532 07496 784 532
16th April 2021, 10.00am - 3.00pm
Counsellors and trainees

If you’re in the process of setting up your private practice, then this workshop is for you!

Setting up your own private practice can be a daunting prospect. Our counselling training gives us the tools to use with our clients, but very few (if any!) courses deal with running a business. This could be your first time working for yourself, or perhaps you’ve already got your own business but are worried about the more detailed issues of running a counselling practice.

Whatever your background, this course is designed to cover all the basics and get you started. You’ll leave feeling confident and inspired.

For more information (including online booking) check out my website:

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Hosted by Lindsay Roadnight

Hi, I’m Lindsay and I’m the founder of Business of Counselling. I help counsellors / therapists with the business side of their private practice. Whether you’re just starting out or you want to improve your established practice, I can help build your confidence and knowledge to getting you running your practice like a pro!

Hosted by Lindsay Roadnight