Advanced certificate in eating disorders

27th February - 19th June 2021, 9.00am - 5.00pm
Counsellors and trainees

This course provides an integrative approach to working with people with all sorts of eating disorders and initially will address issues of underlying causes, meanings and the purpose of eating behaviours using a psychological approach.

The subsequent days explore anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder and related conditions in more detail. As a result, it is anticipated that delegates will be able to work with a client to identify and resolve long-standing issues which undermine their development and potential. 

This training is for experienced therapists/counsellors or health professionals and social care professionals with particular expertise in working with obese people or people with eating disorders.

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Hosted by Julia Buckroyd

Professor Julia Buckroyd will offer 5 days training via Zoom. Further details and booking forms from

Hosted by Julia Buckroyd