A compassionate approach to working with anxiety

07468 573 866 07468 573 866
27th April 2024, 10.00am - 4.30pm
Counsellors and trainees
£105 - £115
Marlborough, SN8 1PH

A compassionate approach to working with anxiety with Briony Martin. 

Would you like to build your resilience for working with anxiety in the therapy room? Would you welcome a chance to work compassionately with your own anxiety as a way into working more effectively with clients? If so this experiential workshop might help.

Anxiety can be one of the hardest presenting issues to work with in therapy. It is often entrenched and accompanied by problematic physical symptoms and behaviours. It can be deeply distressing for the person experiencing it and have a hugely negative impact on their life and their ability to function in the world. Clients can often be desperate for relief and help but, despite this, anxious thoughts and feelings persist and both client and therapist can be left feeling frustrated and stuck.

In this workshop, we will be re-setting our approach to anxiety, moving away from trying to cure or fix it and towards coming alongside and listening to it. We will explore and experience this ‘compassion-focused’ approach which seeks to befriend the anxious voice rather than disputing or replacing it. We will learn some strategies for compassionate self-talk which can be used to attend to our own anxiety as well as offer to clients. And we will reflect on the impact of the pandemic, the climate crisis and other international issues on our collective experience of anxiety.

You can expect to learn:

  • How anxiety shows up in clients… and in therapists.
  • How to relate compassionately to anxiety in clients, and how to help them to do the same for themselves.
  • Some creative techniques for working with anxiety in the therapy room or online.
  • How individual experiences of anxiety relate to bigger social issues.
  • Some strategies for soothing your own anxiety.

Venue TBC

CPD certificates supplied.

Refreshments are included, but not lunch or parking.

Find out more and book your place via our website: bramhamtherapy.co.uk.

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Hosted by Bramham Therapy

Bramham Therapy - To read more about all our events and to book: https://www.bramhamtherapy.co.uk/events/ We provide cutting-edge Continuing Professional Development seminars for counsellors and psychotherapists from all modalities, including those in training.

Hosted by Bramham Therapy