5th EFT (emotionally focused therapy) summer school - EFT-trained cohort

07872 165 971 07872 165 971
1st - 4th July 2020, 9.00am - 5.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
£315-615; super early bird until 1st March 2020
Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA

The 5th EFT International summer school - 'From Shattered Attachment to Recovery and Growth'.

EFT-trained cohort - 1st-4th (am) July 2020, with Dr Sue Johnson, founder of EFT, on the Future of Psychotherapy (live webinar with Q&As from participants).

Super early bird, additional discount for ICEEFT members and past summer school participants!

EFT-trained cohort - 1st-4th (am) July


'Fighting for connection - intimate partner violence' with Lieven Migerode, EFT trainer, and Jef Slootmaeckers, EFT supervisor, Belgium.

'The future of psychotherapy - attachment science in action' with Dr Sue Johnson, Founder of EFT (live webinar with Q&As from participants), Canada.

'Working with addictions in EFT' with Michael Barnett, MA, Ed.S, LPC, EFT trainer, USA.

School schedule (register for all days or two-day block one or two)

Block one

  • 1st July (all day) - 2nd July (morning) with Lieven Migerode, EFT trainer, and Jef Slootmaeckers, EFT supervisor, Belgium; 'Fighting for connection - intimate partner violence'.

Research shows that intimate partner violence (IPV) is quite frequent in couples seeking couple therapy. However, the subject of violence may often remain hidden for the therapist, or couples may not be accepted into therapy, at least until there has been some individual treatment of the violence. The vision of this workshop is that, in many couples, the underlying strong, heavy, negative interaction patterns have a key role in the violence.

We stress how these patterns can be understood in an attachment frame to work towards a safer relationship where they can stay together and the violence stops. How can this be approached when violence is often seen as a contraindication for couple’s therapy and EFT? Based on new scientific knowledge and their clinical experience, Lieven and Jef refine the art of working in EFT model towards a therapy process where hope and taking responsibility go hand in hand with emotional cycle work. They outline specific interventions to use, the process of assessment, de-escalation, attachment meaning of violence, and self-of-the-therapist issues.

  • 2nd July (afternoon) with Dr Sue Johnson, founder of EFT (live webinar with Q&As from participants) 'The future of psychotherapy - attachment science in action'.

It has been acknowledged for many years that the field of psychotherapy is in chaos - so many therapy models, diagnoses and disorders, and micro-interventions. Attachment theory and science offers us the long-awaited straight path home to clarity, integration, and order in our field. Attachment now offers us an empirically tested map to the emotional life and stuck places of adults and the dramas that shape their sense of self and how they relate to others. This presentation will outline the implications of attachment theory for psychotherapy and use the practice of emotionally focused therapy with individuals, couples, and families to illustrate those principles. A series of key interventions will be outlined.

Sue’s presentation will be based on her exciting and innovative new book - 'Attachment Theory in Practice: EFT with Individuals, Couples and Families'.

There will also be time for some questions to Sue and then further discussion supported by Gulya Diyarova and Sandra Taylor, EFT Trainer.

Block two

  • 2nd July (afternoon) with Dr Sue Johnson, Founder of EFT (live webinar with Q&As from participants); 'The future of psychotherapy - attachment science in action'.
  • 3rd July (full day) - 4th July (morning) with Michael Barnett, MA, Ed.S, LPC, EFT trainer, USA; 'Working with addictions in EFT'.

How can we understand the addiction through the attachment lens? How can addiction impact the couple system and its emotional fluency? What are the ways of placing addictive behaviours in the couple's negative cycle?

In this fast-paced, technology-driven era that we live in, where true connection is often at a premium, substance use has escalated to epidemic proportions. It is not uncommon for couple’s therapists to be confronted with the additional challenge of contending with a pernicious 'third-party' that lurks within the shadows of distressed relationships - addiction. Although we have the superb modality, EFT, to help couples find their way to genuine, loving communion with one another, addictions present very significant obstacles to effectively working with couples that seek our services. In this experiential training, we will explore specific, and necessary ways to tailor EFT skills and interventions in order to better address the impact that addiction has on the couple therapy process, focusing on the 'how's' of therapeutic work.

Each training day will include;

  • didactic presentations
  • experiential exercises
  • role-plays
  • skills and intervention demonstrations by the trainers
  • video clips of real couple sessions with live commentaries from trainers
  • interactive group learning

'Get to know you and me!' - Thursday 2nd or Friday 3rd July - much-loved networking evening of conversation, connection, and fun!

After packed days of learning, London awaits you with all the wonders this buzzing city has to offer!

A complimentary copy of the very first edition of S. Johnson's innovative book 'Attachment theory in practice. EFT with individuals, couples, and families' for every participant!

Past participants feedback (EFT International Schools 2016-2019)

"Tons of knowledge from presenters, felt a sense of the material, not just in the head, but in the heart!"

"Very empowering to see Lorrie working, in her videos, live sessions and with an escalated couple"

"What a gift of great learning to see Jim and Lorrie, therapists from Heaven, working with an escalated couple from Hell!"

"Superb presenters... an excellent choice of topics, valuable insights..."

"Very stimulating, diverse, engaging, inspiring, challenging. I want more..."

"Gulya's succinct overview, touching on attachment theory, the EFT model, stages and steps through the interventions which feel like I want, and dare, to use in the very next session..."

"Gulya, how did you manage to deliver all this valuable and vulnerable material in a package that was so understandable and useful from the start? You seem so 'effortless' and natural when you do it!"

"Thank you for organising it. Very, very worth the time and expense; highly informative"

"Could not be higher! Very stimulating and diverse. Looking forward to the next year event already!"

"Great mix of topics and each of them left me wanting to learn more. Lovely to connect with other EFT-ers from all over the world!"

"Absolutely excellent! So very practically helpful (used it in a session with a couple that evening!). Super-useful!"

"An ambitious venture - well-planned, well-executed and well-staged. Congratulations!!!"


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Hosted by Re-Connect...EFT Clinic (Emotionally Focused Therapy)

WWW.EFTINTERNATIONALSCHOOLLONDON.COM EFT Clinic is a clinical affiliate of EFT International School set up to promote Emotionally Focused Therapy. We offer EFT trainings, events and work with leading EFT academics and experts. Our 5th EFT International SUMMER SCHOOL 2020 is eagerly awaited by EFT beginners and EFT clinicians around the world!

Hosted by Re-Connect...EFT Clinic (Emotionally Focused Therapy)