Mindfulness based stress reduction: Eight week course includes one retreat day

07903 667 251 07903 667 251
6th February - 27th March 2015, 10.00am - 12.30pm
Open to all
£ 280
Fremington, Nr Barnstaple, North Devon, EX31 3FJ

This eight week course will help you find ways of living life with less stress, help you cope better and improve your sense of well being and quality of life.

The aim of the course is to bring more awareness and acceptance into everyday life by establishing a daily mindfulness practice; to deepen understanding of the way we think, feel and react to stress and to understand and practice mindful responses to stress. The course is very practical and participatory; over the weeks we systematically work to cultivate the skill necessary to live a life with more ease, joy and present moment awareness.  

Mindfulness is a nourishing training that enhances our learning ability, concentration, and creativity; it builds emotional resilience, and increases professional effectiveness. One of the benefits of mindfulness is an increased appreciation of life. A person who is more mindful tends to find that all of life’s activities become more fulfilling.

For more information please refer to my website:


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Hosted by Alys Nightingale