Methods for unpacking trauma

07885 674 218 07885 674 218
29th July 2017, 10.00am - 4.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
£70 including light lunch and refreshments
Easton on the Hill Village Hall, New Road, Easton on the Hill, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 3NN

Methods for unpacking trauma

Cinnabar Training puts on workshops for Counsellors, support workers, and teaching assistants. Anyone who is interested in the subject and works with others will benefit from our courses.

Our next workshop on Saturday 29th July 2017 will be looking at methods and tools for helping clients deal with trauma. This will include:

  • historical child abuse and its ripple effects in the family
  • adult experiences, including retraumatization and patterns of behaviour
  • the symptoms and causes of PTSD and how to help your client
  • legal implications for counsellors with clients who go to court.

Our workshop will include activities, materials, and a chance to network with other counsellors in a variety of placements and practices. We keep numbers small so everyone can get the most from the day. 

The workshop will be at the Easton on the Hill Village Hall, New Road, Easton on the Hill, PE9 3NN

10am – 4.00pm (9.30am registration and coffee)

Cost: £70.00 includes refreshments and light lunch.

Please visit for an application form.

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Hosted by Mo Smith

It is an interactive workshop which keeps you thinking using case studies, exploring issues surrounding the subjects. Mo is a Senior Accredited Counsellor and Supervisor as a teacher and Toni is a teacher, has qualifications in Psychology and has a history in publishing. Lots of free handouts to take away on the subjects.