Heart II heart explores: The extended single status experience

01895 239 246 01895 239 246 / 07923 074 304 07923 074 304
25th November 2014, 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Open to all
Christ Church, Redford Way, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1SZ

Why are you still single?

Is there something wrong?

This is often a question singletons have to contend with. For sure, being single when you want to find a life partner can feel profoundly frustrating. Maybe you’ve been dating and actively seeking a potential love interest but had no joy. Certainly, love can make us happier, but it can also make us terribly unhappy. So is it really worth it? Do we need a relationship in order to live a happy and fulfilled life? Are there times when it’s better for us to be on our own?

Come share, learn and break the isolation – you are not alone!

The need to be loved is a basic human necessity. Humans have a basic desire to belong and to love. Intimate relationships should provide us with an opportunity to fulfil these basic desires, but often fall short, leaving us feeling lost, confused, hurt and at worst, used and abused.

If we choose to explore these intimate encounters, we can gain valuable self-insight that can empower us and teach us priceless life lessons. Join Keeley Taverner, human potential expert and founder of Key 4 Change, for a community based support group for individuals of any gender or sexual orientation experiencing intimate relationship dilemmas.

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Hosted by Keeley Taverner