Lisa Harris

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Supervisor • she/her
A Therapist since 2007, Supervisor & c/PTSD specialist
Accepting new clients
Accepting new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

location_on Hull, East Riding Of Yorkshire, HU7
Accepting new clients
Accepting new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

Supervision details

**Regular Online availability - 4 weekly Wednesday from January, 4 weekly Tuesdays from February**

Looking for a supervisor can sometimes be a daunting task, can't it? There are so many things to consider, and so many questions to ask!

Let me start by saying I feel the same, and I’d be happy to meet with you (currently online) for a discounted 90 minute introductory appointment as this often helps you and I come to your decision.
The discounted fee for the 90 minute introductory appointment is £60 when paid for privately at the time of booking.

This time will ensure we have the opportunity to fully explore if I can offer you what you need, and if we could work well together.

If you read on, you will learn more about my own training, experience, ways of working together, fees - as well as more about me as a person! You may find many of your initial questions are answered here.

The relationship between myself as a supervisor and you as a supervisee will be a unique one. You'll bring your own learning style, experience, your fears as well as confidences – I'll offer you my experience, training, networking, resources and knowledge to support and encourage you in your supervision.I'll respond to your needs as I'm able within professional boundaries which we will both be responsible for respecting.

I'm a real person, and I have a sense of humour! I also have fears, confidences and insecurities which I take responsibility to challenge or work through in my own supervision or therapy. Yes, I am a real human too. You may often hear me say we are all "human first", this is an important thing to remember and in my experience allows us to be all of who we are in supervision and beyond.

I'll be interested in hearing what it is you would like or need from me as your supervisor.

Perhaps you’re not sure yourself yet, so a place to begin might be to look at your needs, aspirations for the future, experience, ways of working, and requirements of work or any study you may be under taking.

My experience tells me that the most important factors in our development as practitioners are the quality of our training and placement, our choice of supervisor and personal therapist and our willingness to commit to ongoing learning.

What I can say with confidence, is I am committed and dedicated to professionalism and ethical working, and to develop this in others. You can, rightly, expect me to model this as a supervisor, and offer appropriate challenge and support when needed regarding your personal development and counselling practice, as well with as your training or placement experiences.

If you are also an experienced practitioner you may already be clear what you are looking for, or considering a supervisor different in approach and experience to what you have experienced previously to challenge or stretch you in new ways. You may be looking for a supervisor with specialisms (mine are trauma particularly PTSD/cPTSD, brain injury and neurodivergence) to support your work in addition to your current supervision.

As an accredited online supervisor I enjoy working with therapists nationally and internationally. The availability of online supervision means we can choose and access the right person with very specific skills and experience to support our own client work.

You may be in the early stages of exploring your future options when your time with your current supervisor comes to an end. We could meet to explore if I could be one of those options.

I would look for us to share a commitment to ethical and professional working.

You may be a student working towards qualification, looking for support and encouragement through placements and study. Your first supervisor is an important choice and will be a unique and new working relationship. It will be helpful to talk through your individual requirements, hopes, expectations and for me to answer any questions you may have.

I have supervised students since 2015 and in this time have had the joy of seeing many people gain their qualifications and support them to develop their own careers. It is fair to say that not every journey to qualification is an easy one and there can be unexpected as well as predicted difficulties along the way. This can be as a result of client work, challenges in placement, our training, or our personal lives. Supervision is an excellent place to access support and guidance in these matters.

What might you experience or wish to bring to supervision?

It can be helpful to look at a particular skill you may wish to develop – perhaps assessment, reporting, contracting, evaluating, process and immediacy, how to present your client work, or maybe you'd like to focus on strengthening a particular way of working or skill you have less experience or less confidence with. You may be looking for a supervisor who has significant experience and / or qualifications in an area you have limited training or experience working in. The areas I have developed specialisms in over the last 17 years are trauma (with post graduate training in c-PTSD & PTSD), brain injury and neuro-divergence.

You might be looking for a safe and supportive place to learn and grow through your client work, where we can both offer and receive challenge. I’d be happy to work with you to achieve this, whatever your level of experience.

Organisations may choose to provide supervision for their service leaders and those working within the organisation, or request consultancy to develop their service and inform the procedures and practice they offer. I have enjoyed supporting organisations, and the individuals in them, to flourish over the years.

Supervision can change in focus over a period of time, or even during a session. It may involve support, ethics, development, case management, containment, modelling, transference, power dynamics, shame, safeguarding, blind spots, specific knowledge, monitoring or evaluation, fitness to practice, service building and development, professional development – the list is endless.
Some people suggest supervision is most helpful when it includes elements of normative, formative and restorative work and support, which adapts as our needs change and as we grow.

My view is supervision is a journey of learning and support to ensure good practice, that we will work to experience together. My focus is to provide an honest, shame free learning and reflective environment within a relationship of equality. 

Supervision is a safe place to explore your worries or concerns about a piece of work, a theme or an issue, to access help if you feel stuck or overwhelmed or tap into the extensive knowledge or experience of our supervisor. Importantly it is also a place to celebrate the important work you are doing and cherish the progress both you and your clients make. 

I'd like you to remember if we decide to work together you will have my commitment to your development and well-being which I would hope would enable you to express and explore your doubts or fears. This is a very valuable part of supervision at times. Often it is when we are at our most fragile we can be at our best as a practitioner and I'd love to be alongside you and support you as you experience this development and growth - something we must always be open to whatever our experience or training.

What can I offer you?

I can offer you the benefit of my current working practice as well as professional experience and training, developed and nurtured since 2007.

I work exclusively in established private practice online from Hull. I actively work with CICs, Charities and organisations providing contractual supervision, consultancy supervision as well as individual supervision with qualified and trainee therapists both in the UK and internationally.

I have good networks, and I'm always happy to share knowledge and resources or offer you signposting if this could be helpful.

I can offer you or your staff a regular appointment so you can plan your diary with ease and we will contract for your requirements. Some choose to attend weekly, fortnightly or 4 weekly, inline with the needs of their case load, personal needs or course requirements. Subject to availability, sessions may be 30 / 45 /60 / 90 minutes. Your needs will be unique and so will your sessions, this is something for us to discuss together.

What training and experience do I have?

Working as a therapist full time continually since 2007 I have extensive clinical experience in private practice and in agency settings.

I've worked as a consultant and clinical supervisor for therapists both qualified and in training, as well as other professionals, since 2015.

My initial Diploma training and Degrees focused on Humanistic Models of Gestalt, Person Centred (PC) and Transactional Analysis (TA).

I have additional training in the following specific models and therapeutic processes:

* Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
* Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
* The Rewind Technique
* The Biopsychosocial Model
* The Multimodal Approach
* Neurobiology and Neuroscience
* Spiritual health
* IRRT - Imagery Re-scripting and Reprocessing Therapy* Emotional regulation (ER)
* ERRT - Exposure, Relaxation and Re-scripting Therapy (for traumatic nightmares)
* Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE)
* Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET)
* STAIR (Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation) Narrative therapy
* Mindfulness
* Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy (CRT) for ABI/TBI (Acquired or traumatic brain injury)
* Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

My primary counselling qualifications include;

* NCFE Diploma Counselling Practice (level 4)
* Foundation Degree Counselling Practice (level 5)
* BA (Hons) Counselling Practice (Leeds Met) (level 6)
* Certificate Clinical Supervision (The Northern Guild)
*Post Graduate Diploma: Traumatology and PTSD (level 7)
* Extended Certificate in online and telephone supervision

As a qualified specialist Traumatologist, my Post Graduate advanced training provided comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge of approaches to recover from trauma, as well as evidence based systematic approaches for assessing and treating PTSD and cPTSD in Adults and Children.
The course was Accredited by the National Council of Psychotherapists (NCP) and International Council of Psychotherapists (ICP).

I offer Neurodiversity affirming psychotherapy and clinical supervision.
Neurodiversity is a word used to describe those with neurodevelopmental differences, highlighting that neurodiverse individuals brains work differently. Not that how they think or process things are ‘wrong’ - just different from neurotypical ways of thinking.

Around 1 in 7 people in the UK are thought to have neurodevelopmental differences - meaning the way that the way their brains learn, function and process information is different from neurotypical people. 
As a neurodivergent person myself, who is Autistic and has ADHD, I have significant both professional and lived experience of the blessings and curses this can bring in personal and professional life. I therefore have a solid understanding of the support, guidance and challenge we may need or value in supervision.

Work history

I previously worked as an NHS sub-contractor in Hull from 2011-2017 and in this time I worked as part of SPA, DASH, IAPT and using the IAPTUS system through ‘Let’s talk’ which offered time limited counselling sessions to NHS patients/clients.

I have worked as a sub contracted associate therapist for two local adult counselling organisations and undertaken EAP, NHS qualified provider sub contracts.

I have worked for a Children and Young People's service as a sub contracted associate therapist, as well as providing therapy and supervision to employees in companies, CIC's and charities.

I began working as a supervisor in 2015 and have experience supervising qualified and experienced therapists, as well as counsellors in training, social workers, other professionals working in health or caring professions, drug and alcohol services and prison services, as well as those with specific decision making responsibility. I provide regular supervision services directly to several organisations, CICs and charities for their staff on a 1-2-1 basis.

I was Clinical Lead for a small local specialist Brain injury Charity 2018-2019, working directly with those effected by acquired/traumatic brain injuries with a specific focus on service development. I continue to work with those impacted by brain injury privately and with a large National Brain Injury Charity, providing therapy to those directly affected by acquired or traumatic brain injury. I work with the Injured Jockeys Fund with those who have sustained head injuries.

I have had a busy private practice since 2010, and have been working exclusively full time in private practice and consultancy for many years.

Professional memberships

I am a member of the Accredited Voluntary register, British Association For Counselling & Psychotherapy,
Registered (MBACP)Certificate number 070237

I am a divisional member of the BACP Spirituality, which honours spirituality, belief and pastoral care in counselling and psychotherapy.

BACP Spirituality is for counsellors, psychotherapists, pastoral carers, chaplains and related professionals whose own work and world view, or whose client's world view, is informed by a spiritual perspective.It offers a rich opportunity to make links with others who share and are interested in a broad range of related subjects and beliefs.

BACP Spirituality was formerly known as  The APSCC - The Association for Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling.

I am a Christian and work consistently with clients who have no faith, have Christian faith, or who have another faith or spiritual belief which is important to them. I am happy to discuss this aspect with you should you have any questions.

My Christian faith is a self-disclosure choice and is only ever as present in our work as you invite it to be. I’d like to be clear I work with those with or without a faith or spiritual practice important to them, equally. 

I am an Accredited member of the National Counselling society.
Membership Number: NCS1401672

I am a member of the National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists (NCIP) 

I am a member of Pink Therapy which is the UK's largest independent therapy organisation working with gender and sexual diversity clients.

As a supervisor, therapist and consultant I have a particular interest, training and experience in;

*faith and spirituality
*making the most of supervision to both develop as individuals and in our practice
*organisational structural and delivery development
*advocating for professionalism, ethics and boundaries in our work
*Neuro - diverse working
* Trauma informed practice
*Offering good quality and experience informed CPD guest speaking or delivery

What's my background?

Well, I've always worked with people in one form on another.

My first job in 1993 was in an old cottage hospital working as a health care assistant on the long stay care of the elderly wards (as they were known then), often with those impacted by strokes or long term health conditions.  This was my first experience of working with Brain Injury. These kind of wards don't even exist any more. I really loved this job as I had so much one to one time with my patients to attend to their care and needs. I first learned that we are all human first, here.

This progressed to working in a brand new build hospital working in the diagnostic radiology department, which was very high tech for its time. This is much more commonly referred to as the x ray department! My role was to look after patients emotional and physical well being when in the department for any kind of scan, x ray, or investigation. Again I really enjoyed the personal connection I was able to have with patients at what was usually a painful or frightening time for them and their relatives.

Becoming a parent in my 20's put my working life on hold. When I returned, the world of nursing and caring had changed so much, and time for dedicated one to one care was disappearing quickly, sadly. This made me re-think.

I then created and followed a successful career in charity retail management and leadership. I worked for several well known national charities, The British Heart Foundation, Sue Ryder Care as well as a local hospice, St Catherine's.

I later began working as a foster carer. In time, I was a vice chair of governors for a large Junior school for 9 years, a voluntary role which took a lot of dedication, additional learning and time. My specialism was child protection and safeguarding. Therefore, I developed a sound understanding of the looked after system and educational dynamics, as well as experiencing the stress of being key parts of OFSTED inspections. I sat on the East riding Overview and scrutiny committee for children and young people for several years as the Junior/Infant School representative. I was very active in these roles which were very rewarding in different ways, and wow did I learn a lot!

I came to a point in my life where I felt it was time to make some significant decisions, and one of these was to begin lengthy training as a therapist. Like you, I studied for many years, experiencing all the difficult realities which come with this choice of career.

Over time I have worked in many different therapeutic environments and in different ways, gaining so much experience, knowledge and wisdom along the way.

Having worked as a sub contractor in several different settings and a private therapist for years, I was encouraged by my own supervisor to consider my own career direction and growth given the experience I had accrued. After careful consideration I decided to train as a supervisor with the well established and respected Northern Guild in 2015.

I now offer online therapy, supervision, consultancy and training to professionals, those in training and interested others.

A few years from there, this is where it seems our paths have crossed.

What now?

By reading this I hope this has given you a sense of what it might be like to work with me, and a feeling of who I am as a person, and what I bring to the profession.I would encourage you to ask me a question if you have one. If I am not what you are looking for, perhaps I could suggest another avenue for you to explore.

It is my own experience it's so very important you feel you get what you need independently in supervision, and I'd be looking to check this out with you regularly if you did choose to work with me. We will take equal responsibility for the effectiveness of our working agreement. If you require reports, particular feedback or specific support I will be keen to work with you on this collaboratively.

How do I work?

For regular supervision, my way of working is of regular appointment days and times, I find this works best for both me, and my clients and supervisees. We can have clear expectations of each other if we understand and contract for this from the outset.

Consultancy supervision is available on an as and when basis, often this is used by an individual whose primary supervisor is unable to supervise a particular piece of work, or is unavailable for any reason.
This can be for several reasons, perhaps there is a conflict of interest, or they do not have the specialism the client and supervisee needs to work ethically, or a supervisee wishes to add a different kind of experience to their understanding.
Occasionally, consultancy supervision may be used to support a particular area of study that a current supervisor may not be experienced in, or when they are to be unavailable for a time.
Some choose to access consultancy when exploring options for additional supervision, without the commitment of a regular arrangement which is usually where clinical responsibility is held.
Organisations may use consultancy supervision when developing a service, reviewing their service needs, or reflecting on their current practice.

Regular supervision is usually a 4 weekly, weekly or fortnightly arrangement, dependent on your case load needs, management needs, personal choice or training requirements. Your unique circumstances, experience and needs will be explored fully before we contract if we agree to work together. A minimum requirement, may not be your clinical or personal requirement.

Some choose to arrange regular supervision, and book in extra sessions as their needs, case work or studies change.Supervision can be booked for 30/45/60/90 minutes and is charged accordingly.

My fee is £66 for a one hour one-to-one hour session for regular contracted sessions with qualified therapists and other professionals paid for individually in weekday, daytime, appointments.
Contract fees and consultancy session charges will vary and you are encouraged to contact me to discuss this.
Limited discounted places may be available to those on low household incomes and apply to daytime weekday, appointments only.
Limited weekend and evening sessions (from 5pm) are available and are charged differently, no discount is available to these limited appointments.

Student therapists with a low household income may be offered a discounted rate for daytime appointments, when available until they complete their required placement hours. Students who wish to access evening or weekend supervision pay the contract rate.

Specialist and contracted supervision is charged from £75 an hour in weekday daytime sessions, please contact me to discuss your requirements and explore options.

When supervision is paid for by requested invoice, a company or charity on behalf of employees or volunteers, this rate will vary according to number of supervisees, invoice terms, clinical responsibility and required documents or reports.

Fees are reviewed annually in January.

For our first one to one introductory meeting I allow up to 90 minutes. This will not count in your recorded supervision hours requirements as it is a meeting not clinical supervision of your work. In this time we can fully and comprehensively explore your experience, needs, worries, confidences, questions as well as your course requirements if you are studying. We will also fully discuss a supervision agreement. This means that at the end of our time together we will both know each other better and be able to make a fully informed decision if we wish to continue to work together. The fee for this valuable time together is £60, payable at the time of booking. These initial sessions are often booked well in advance, should you then cancel this appointment, the fee is non refundable.
These discounted sessions are only offered in weekday daytime appointments. If you wish to book an initial consultation at the weekend or evening, then full rate applies.

If you book an initial consultation and do not attend, or wish to re-arrange the session, then the full session rate applies next time.

Telephone and email support is always free and available to my one to one supervisees, as agreed in contracting.

Group supervisees or consultancy supervisees will contact their supervisor with overall clinical responsibility in emergencies.

You can follow my page on Facebook here 

What now?

If you feel you’d like to speak with me after reading this, you can contact me directly on 07866061165 or via the contact me button. We could then arrange to meet and see where we go from there. Thank you for reading and considering me as your supervisor. I wish you well, wherever your enquiries lead you.

Best wishes


**Small group supervision** (2/3 supervisees)

Group supervision can be an enriching experience and a cost effective way of accessing further supervision. I offer groups for 2 or 3 people which means if you are qualified, under some frameworks, you can count the whole of this time in your supervision hours. If you are a student the rules may be slightly different depending on your course. I strongly advise you always check the criteria of your framework and training whatever your level of experience. Some choose to come with a colleague or fellow student who may share a similar approach, case load, placement, level of experience and in some cases, trusted professional friendship. Alternatively some choose to volunteer to work in a supervision group with someone who has different experience, training, case load or approach to them.It is not unusual to access a blend of group and one to one supervision.

Fees per participant will vary according to the number of participants, over all clinical responsibility and time agreed so please contact me to discuss this. As a general example 3 participants could have a 3 hour group supervision session at a cost of £66 each rather than potentially £198 if 3 hours was accessed individually.

**Larger group supervision** (3 supervisees+)

If you are a manager, service leader, tutor or co-ordinator looking for provision for larger group supervision in your work place or place of study please contact me to discuss this option and availability. You may be aware that the recorded hours for a larger group are different and again this is something to check with individual frameworks. Fees for larger group supervision will vary according to the work place or course requirements, over all level of clinical responsibility required and number of participants.

Consultancy supervision is available on both an ad-hoc basis (subject to availability) and by contracted arrangement. Each arrangement is unique so an initial meeting to discuss requirements and cost, is usually recommended.

National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society (NCPS)

The National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society

This Not For Profit association of counsellors and psychotherapists aim to support the counselling profession, members and training organisations.

In 2013 the NCS register was accredited by the Professional Standards Authority under the Accredited Voluntary Register Scheme. Accredited by the Professional Standards Authority.

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP)

BACP is one of the UK’s leading professional bodies for counselling and psychotherapy with around 60,000 members. The Association has several different categories of membership, including Student Member, Individual Member, Registered Member MBACP, Registered Accredited Member MBACP (Accred) and Senior Registered Accredited Member MBACP (Snr Acccred). Registered and accredited members are listed on the BACP Register, which shows that they have demonstrated BACP’s recommended standards for training, proficiency and ethical practice. The BACP Register was the first register of psychological therapists to be accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA). Accredited and senior accredited membership are voluntary categories for members who choose to undertake a rigorous application and assessment process to demonstrate additional standards around practice, training and supervision. Individual members will have completed an appropriate counselling or psychotherapy course and started to practise, but they won’t appear on the BACP Register until they've demonstrated that they meet the standards for registration. Student members are still in the process of completing their training. All members are bound by the BACP Ethical Framework and a Professional Conduct Procedure.

Accredited register membership

National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society
Accredited Register Scheme

The Accredited Register Scheme was set up in 2013 by the Department of Health (DoH) as a way to recognise organisations that hold voluntary registers which meet certain standards. These standards are set by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).

This therapist has indicated that they belong to an Accredited Register.

National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society
British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy
Accredited Register Scheme

The Accredited Register Scheme was set up in 2013 by the Department of Health (DoH) as a way to recognise organisations that hold voluntary registers which meet certain standards. These standards are set by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).

This therapist has indicated that they belong to an Accredited Register.

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy
person View full profile

Hull, East Riding Of Yorkshire, HU7

Key details

DBS check info

In England and Wales, the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS, formerly known as CRB) carry out criminal records checks for individuals working with vulnerable groups, such as children. To find out more, visit , or contact this professional directly

Please make me aware of any health or medical difficulties prior to our meeting so I can ensure your comfort. Free dedicated/disabled parking is available Ground floor therapy room and bathroom facilities.

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Type of session


18 yrs therapy & 10 Yrs clinical & consultancy supervision experience. Certified Traumatologist (PTSD/cPTSD), brain injury ABI/TBI & ND specialisms.
