Working with depression towards contact and vitality

01517 334 554 01517 334 554
19th October 2019, 10.00am - 5.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
£80 (or early bird £65 - payable by 31st August). Payment via using paypal or card.
Manchester Gestalt Centre, 7 Norman Road, Rusholme, Manchester, North West, M14 5LF

We all have a susceptibility to depression, given a particular set of field conditions. What constitutes these field conditions? Why do some people get stuck in a kind of prolonged depressive trap that it seems they are unable to get out of? Is it a biological problem or is it a reaction to a life event, or is it something that has happened in early developmental life that has caused this suffering?

How can I, as a therapist, work creatively and effectively with a person who presents with depression? Is the goal happiness? How can I prevent myself from becoming depressed when working with depressed people?

These are some of the themes we will cover in the workshop. The workshop will be both theoretical and experiential, and there will be space for discussion and reference to clinical examples.

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Hosted by Sharon Beirne

Sharon Beirne has been a UKCP registered Gestalt Psychotherapist since 2004. She has a private practice in Liverpool, working with individuals, couples and supervisees. Prior to this she worked for seventeen years in a variety of clinical settings within the NHS, initially as a mental health nurse and later, as a psychotherapist.