Turn of the seasons - summer

22nd June 2024, 10.30am - 1.00pm
Open to all
£15 - £25 (early bird discounts)
Epping Forest, 6 rangers road, Chingford, E4 7HQ

At the turn of each season, I guide a forest therapy experience in Epping forest, close to Chingford station - only 20 minutes away from Hackney Central.

In summer, everything in nature is reaching its peak of growth, nature is lush and vigorous. It is a time to loosen and embrace the fire energy of the sun. Summer invites us to make the most of the present time and to fill our bodies and minds with its bounty.

In the morning light, we will walk at a gentle pace in the forest on an easy and short trail. I will offer you specially crafted activities to help you slow down, ground yourself and engage all your senses. And you will be invited to explore nature in an entirely new way. There will also be moments to share our experience together and time spent in silence. And to end the walk, we'll share a celebratory forest tea.

These walks are like a small journey where time suspends itself. They bring a restorative pause into your life and inform you of your own seasons and transitions, allowing your body and mind to harmonise with the different qualities and energies of each season. The experience also fosters connection between people and deepens our relationship with the rest of nature.

After the walks, people often report a significant reduction of stress and a sense of peace, a lighter mood, an increased self-awareness and a deeper appreciation of our interconnectedness.

Learn more and book your place via Eventbrite.

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Hosted by Estelle Asselin

I'm a counsellor/ecotherapist and a certified nature and forest therapy guide. I believe there are many ways to support our well-being. And I thrive to offer a diversity of approaches to people.

Hosted by Estelle Asselin