Spirit Project's diploma in supervision
Clinical supervision is an intrinsic part of our therapeutic work. Being able to support therapists so that they can best support their clients, is part of the whole jigsaw of healing.
The aim of the course is to allow participants to develop a reflective, evaluative, and informed practice which will enable them to work with supervisees across theoretical backgrounds.
Participants will be supported in developing their competencies and abilities in evaluating their own practice.
The course follows BACP training curriculum for counselling supervisor training and it would assist you in demonstrating the competency needed for Column B of SCoPEd Framework.
The course is under review by The CPD Certification Service. If successful, the Diploma will be issued by Spirit Project and certified by the CPD Certification Service.
Spirit Project is a member of the CPD Certification Service
By the end of the course, members should have developed:
- A clear understanding of the various styles of supervision and what supervision is in counselling and psychotherapy.
- How best to support and work with supervisees both in one-to-one and group supervision.
- An understanding of own style of supervision.
- An understanding of the ethical and legal issues related to supervision.
- Critically evaluate own practice.
- Give and receive feedback with other supervisors.
- Take responsibility for own learning.
Entry requirements:
- Participants will need to have a minimum of three years post-qualification experience and be currently working as counsellors and psychotherapists.
- A minimum Diploma qualification level in counselling/psychotherapy.
- Supervised counselling/psychotherapy practice for a minimum of three years post-qualification (supervision must meet BACP requirement of 1.5 hours per month).
- Be a member of BACP/UKCP/NCS or other Psychotherapeutic reputable Association
- Because of the experiential nature of this training, the course requires you to be willing to take part in skills practice – either as a supervisor or as a supervisee – and discussions and to use your own experience as material to learn from. Self-reflective skills will be needed in order to look at the self in relation to groups. This includes the requirement to express yourself clearly, fluently and accurately.
To receive the diploma, you will need to:
- Complete a minimum of 40 hours of counselling supervision practice.
- Complete a minimum of 10 logged hours of consultative supervision of your supervised practice (supervision of your supervision work).
- A minimum of 80% course attendance.
- Maintain a reflective journal throughout the course.
- Participate in self and peer assessment.
- A 2,000-word essay demonstrating learning.
- One recording of counselling supervision practice (10 minutes transcribed with process comments).
- Able to demonstrate an ability to self-reflect, learn and develop supervision skills (incorporate feedback into learning).
This 12-day (one weekend per month) training will cover the following:
- theory and practice of supervision in counselling and psychotherapy
- good practice in supervision
- establishing and maintaining the supervisory relationship
- beginnings and endings
- the supervisory relationship - dynamics and process
- responding to the individual needs of the supervisee
- adapting supervision to the developmental stage of the supervisee
- enabling the supervisee to make use of supervision
- assessment in supervision
- legal issues
- diversity in supervision (EDI)
- ethical dilemmas and ensuring standards in supervision
- group and one-to-one supervision
- working across modalities
- working with conflicts, challenges and ruptures
- skills and practice
If all requirements are met, the participants will gain a diploma in supervision.
If not, a confirmation of attendance letter will be issued for CPD purposes.
Dates (weekends):
- 28th and 29th September 2024
- 26th and 27th October 2024
- 23rd and 24th November 2024
- 14th and 15th December 2024
- 25th and 26th January 2025
- 22nd and 23rd February 2025
This is an online course via Zoom
Times: 9.30 am – 4.30 pm
Fees: £1,700 (£500 deposit)
To book your place, contact me for a booking form and return it with a non-refundable deposit of £500. The remaining fee will need to be received prior to the start date. You can also find out more via our website.
The course will run with a minimum of six attendees. If it is cancelled, you will receive a full refund.
Maya Gagni (MBACP Accred and NCS Prof Accred) I am a Person-Centered Counsellor/Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Dramatherapist, Trauma Therapist, Trainer, Groupworker EMDR Accredited Practitioner and Equine Facilitated Psychotherapist with an extensive experience in working with clients, teaching and supervising across different settings.