Shrinks love talking about sex – or perhaps not?

02082 960 030 02082 960 030
16th November 2019, 10.00am - 4.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
£120 + booking fee
44 St. George's Road, Wimbledon, London, UK, SW19 4ED

The workshop:

  • How much is it useful/ necessary to be talking about sex in therapy?
  • How might our own histories be impacting on how we approach or avoid this subject in the consulting room?
  • Might we risk inflaming an erotic transference?
  • How is this different for male and female therapists? For gay or straight therapists?
  • How do we help clients think about desire and disappointment, or think about their sexual development and identity?

Our training does not always prepare us well to think with clients about the physicality of sex. We may feel that we should be cool about sex but often we feel the opposite. In this workshop, I aim for us to create a safe environment for reflection and curiosity – about the work and about ourselves.

To book please go to: ttps://

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Hosted by Wimbledon Guild Counselling Training

Anne Power has qualifications from The Bowlby Centre, Westminster Pastoral Foundation, Tavistock Relationships and Relate. She has taught on supervision and therapy trainings at The Bowlby Centre, WPF and at Regents University London and has a private practice in central London for both couples and individuals.

Hosted by Wimbledon Guild Counselling Training