Sandplay Therapy Training
Unique and Specialised Experiential Training and Continuing Professional Development for Therapists and Counsellors working with Adults and Children.
Sandplay is a very deep and profound, mostly non-verbal way of working with clients. In Sandplay there is access to the unconscious which can result in Healing and Transformation.
Soul Encounters offers training in Jungian Sandplay Skills, which will enable you to understand and Practice this amazing therapy. Held as one day workshops, or in blocks of two,four or eight days. The training can be tailored to meet your Personal or Organisational Needs.
Delivered by Eunice Stagg MBACB Snr Accredited Counsellor/ Psychotherapist. Experienced Sandplay Therapist
Contact or 07796607977
Fees - £80 per person per day. Refreshments & snacks provided