RUNZEN - mindfulness for runners, four week course

07766 720 702 07766 720 702
30th June - 21st July 2018, 1.30pm - 4.00pm
Open to all
Fort Amherst, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4UB

Why running and mindfulness?

Running is now one of the most popular forms of exercise in the UK, with studies suggesting a range of benefits for the health of our body and mind, such as helping to prevent obesity, heart disease and high blood pressure, and boosting sleep quality and mood.

In recent years, there has also been a growing interest in mindfulness, with research linking a regular and sustained mindfulness practice with a decrease in the incidence of depression, anxiety and stress, an improved ability to regulate our emotions, and an increase in focus and attention.

This four-week course is designed to immerse participants in a range of mindfulness skills and practices and their application to running. Participants will be required to commit to a programme of home practice between sessions to support their learning. Session notes will be provided at the end of each meeting including links to recordings of guided meditations.

The core elements of the course will include instruction in:

  • A range of mindfulness meditation practices, including: body scan, awareness of breath and body sensations, mindful walking, and mindful movement.
  • Posture and drills for good running form.
  • Mindful running: foundation and focus.

Based in the delightfully restored Guardhouse at Fort Amherst, our runs will take us out on to the Great Lines Heritage Park. Each week will follow a different theme.

Week one: anchoring our attention – from autopilot to presence
Saturday 30th June 1.30 to 4.30pm

Practising the basic skills to help us place our attention where we choose.

Week two: integrating body and mind – from stillness to movement
Saturday 7th July – 1.30 to 4.30pm

Developing our focus on awareness in our bodies when running and through mindful movement.

Week three: opening our awareness – from content to context
Saturday 14th July – 1.30 to 4.30pm

Working with our thoughts and emotions as mental events – broadening our awareness while running.

Week four: applying mindfulness in the everyday
Saturday 21st July – 10.00am to 4.00pm

Reviewing the skills learnt during the course and connecting these to our daily lives.

The course will be suited for beginners in both running and meditation as well as those who have experience in one or both. As a minimum criteria, participants will need to be able to run up to 5 kilometres without the need for frequent stops.

Can’t attend all four sessions?

As long as you can make a minimum of three, we will offer either a telephone call to cover the detail from the session you miss, or meet with you in person to run together.

Homemade energy snacks and water will be provided throughout the day, but on week four participants will need to bring their own light lunch.

Mindfulness for runners course fee: £125

We are able to offer two concessionary places at £80 for low/unwaged and students. To discuss a concessionary place and for all other queries, please contact Stuart at

Cancellation policy

If you notify of us your cancellation within four weeks of the event date, will we refund your payment minus a £10 administration fee. We cannot offer refunds for cancellations less than one month before the event.

For more information please see the RUNZEN website

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Hosted by Cesare Saguato

For information about your hosts, please see the RUNZEN website

Hosted by Cesare Saguato