Root and Branch - ecotherapy training

07968 691 870 07968 691 870
2nd October 2021, 10.00am - 5.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
£75/85/95 (sliding scale)
Oxford, OX4 2AP

A practical, soulful, reflective day for therapists and practitioners to explore an embodied approach to working outside in our broader nature.

This day is for practitioners already working outside with clients who want to cultivate a more embodied approach and for practitioners who want to begin working outside in our broader nature with clients. Around the fire, with the land and inside the wooden cabin, we will explore the importance of grounding and practitioner presence, relationship with place, creating a safe therapeutic space and thresholds. This day is open to 10 practitioners.

A percentage of the fee paid will be given to an Earth-focused charity.

For further information and bookings -, email-

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Hosted by Ally Stott

Ally Stott - Ecotherapist, Mindfulness-based Psychotherapist brings a Wholearth Approach to her life and work. She has been working therapeutically for over 20 years and runs retreats and workshops. She offers mentoring to other therapists exploring Ecotherapy. She is passionate about the deep wellbeing of people and planet.