Relationships workshop

07500 583 101 07500 583 101
28th March 2020, 10.00am - 5.00pm
Open to all
£110.00 each or £90.00 each early bird
The Elysia Theraputic Centre, 52 Bowling Green Road, Stourbridge, dy8 3RZ

Unsatisfied with the current state of your relationships? Discover how to communicate better, forgive more easily, create a vision of what you want in a relationship, and avoid drama.

All we all really want is to love and be loved! So, why is it that so much of the time our 'love relationships' can cause so much heartache?

This course offers proven techniques and secrets that you can easily apply to your own life to create the fulfilling, true love relationship you truly desire.

In this course, we will answer the following questions;

  • What is an 'enlightened relationship'?
  • What causes the 'in love' experience, and why does it fade?
  • How can I create lasting love in my relationship?
  • How can I love her one minute and hate her the next?
  • I don’t want conflict, so why do I keep doing it?
  • Sometimes my partner or I will fly off the handle about something small; why does this happen and how can I stop it?
  • It's so hard to talk to my partner about difficult topics; how can I make talking easier?
  • Why do I keep attracting the 'same person' and the same relationship over and over again?
  • How can I heal my pain from past relationships?
  • How do I find my soul mate?
  • What can I do to truly experience, true love?

Topics I will cover include;

  • how to change patterns, roles, and beliefs
  • communication strategies that really work
  • the secret to speaking the languages of love
  • the power of forgiveness
  • how to create happy relationships
  • creating a relationship vision
  • drawing boundaries with a non-negotiable list

If you’re tired of the drama, conflict, and disappointment and ready for real, true love and a deep, fulfilling relationship, I welcome you to join me on the journey of creating an enlightened relationship.

How to know if this workshop is for you;

  • you want to attract your dream relationship or soul mate
  • you want to improve the intimacy, happiness, and depth of your relationship
  • you want relationships that are more fulfilling and healthy

You are ready to stop unwanted patterns and learn a new way of being in a relationship then contact me and book early to avoid disappointment. Early bird offer is on until Friday 20th February.

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Hosted by Noreen Rose

My name is Noreen Rose I am a qualified Integrative Psychotherapist and Life Coach. I understand it is not always possible to have therapy due to finances, commitment and so on. So l teach how to cultivate more conscious relationships, through openness, honesty, and deliberation, and discover the secrets to long-term relationship success.