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PR/Marketing Workshop for Therapists
Surrey Wellbeing Training
Not to be missed for the newly qualified, the about to be qualified and any practitioner needing tips and ideas on how to be your own PR.
Surrey Wellbeing Training is presenting an opportunity to help you hone and refine your marketing with respect to your practice.
Ideas and interactive sessions to stimulate your creativity.
Presented by
Jo Atkins & Jules McClean.
The workshop will run on Saturday 19th November 2011 at St John’s Church,
Stoke Road, Guildford, Surrey.
The day will start at 9.30am and finish at 3.30pm.
The venue is easy to locate and has FREE parking.
What is marketing and PR?
How does marketing and PR help your business develop including how to network effectively.
Who is your audience and how to get a unique appeal.
The process and impact in regard to promotion of self: envisioning your practice.
Ideas for development of your practice and how to make your message relevant.
Pros and Cons of Advertising including methods of advertising.
Leaflet and Card Design ideas.
Budgeting and how to monitor and assess success and effectiveness.
Experiential and interactive format.
To reserve your place please ring Jules on 07802 402603 or
Jo on 07968 294997 or email julesmcclean@sky.com
(*non refundable after 25th Oct)