Polyvagal theory: A brief online workshop

01159 243 994 01159 243 994
25th February 2021, 6.00pm - 9.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
£40.00 SPTI members | £45.00 Non-members

The field of psychotherapy has made a paradigm shift, with the advent of understanding about polyvagal theory and its implications for counselling, psychotherapy, and mental health. This is especially so in work with survivors of trauma.

The three-hour workshop will outline the organising structure and principles of the vagal nerve and of polyvagal theory. The workshop will be suitable for any student, graduate, or professional who has an interest in polyvagal theory.

We shall look at polyvagal theory in respect of implications for therapy and for our self-knowledge. We will also be putting some of the theory into practice in our own lives.

It is important to note that the time constraints will not allow us to go into the active treatment of trauma and that this will be thoroughly covered in the CPD programme that is offered by the SPTI Certificate training, “A relational approach to the treatment of trauma”.

Please note: A computer with internet access and a webcam is required to access this training, delivered online via Zoom.

About the facilitator

Rosemary Langford-Bellaby has extensive training and experience as a psychotherapist, supervisor trainer and consultant. Rosemary has trained in both Gestalt psychotherapy and integrative psychotherapy and has completed additional elements of training in psychodynamic psychotherapy, transactional analysis, behavioural therapy and client-centred counselling.

Rosemary is accredited with the UKCP and runs a private practice working with individuals, couples, and groups. As part of her work, Rosemary has had first-hand experience in the field of trauma, having worked in Israel and Croatia with trauma sufferers and survivors.

To book your place, visit http://spti.net/courses/wsPVT.shtml.

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Hosted by Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute

The Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute (SPTI) is a not for profit educational organisation specialising in training counsellors and psychotherapists with courses ranging from introductory to masters level. www.spti.net

Hosted by Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute