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Peel Deep Dives: Breakfast Seminars
Peel ‘Deep Dives’ Breakfast Seminars
An opportunity to participate in lively discussions and presentations on key concepts and themes relevant to counselling, psychotherapy and most helping professions as well as teaching, industry, and organisations.
These breakfast seminars will run on a regular basis for 3.5 hours between 9.30am – 1pm and take place on Saturday morning at Peel Psychological Consultancy. Seminars will run according to demand and topics will change on a regular basis. Please register your interest and lets get going!
Themes & Concepts
- Transference & countertransference: Knowing me, knowing you - understanding how past relationships play out in the present.
- Character styles: What makes us tick - understanding personality traits.
- Trauma: Shock to the system - understanding the psychobiology of trauma.
- Attachment: What’s love got to do with it? - understanding the importance of early relationships.
- Transactional analysis: Games people play - understanding negative patterns of behaviour in relationships.
- Transactional analysis: Strokes - understanding the impact of family ‘permissions and ‘commands’ received in childhood and self esteem.
- Transactional analysis: What do you say after you say hello - understanding communication styles.
- Anger: What’s burning - understanding triggers and strategies.
- Real self false self: Splitting from within - understanding developmental of the self.
- Shame: Hidden truths - understanding resistance and fear.
- Humour: Lets have a laugh - understanding the potency and pain - to register for booking.
To register your interest contact: admin@peeluk.com
Visit our website: www.peeluk.com
Nicole Addis is a UKCP registered psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer. Nicole is Director of PPC a private counselling and training service aimed at delivering psychological intervention to individuals and organisations. She believes everyone can benefit from a knowledge of trauma.