Online therapy: how to make the transition to working online, and how to develop good practice

02073 801 975 02073 801 975
13th April 2019, 10.00am - 4.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
£118 (£108 if booked and paid for by 2nd March 2019)
TBC: 70 Warren Street or 10 New Street, London, W1T 5PB


Pierre Cachia, Clinical Head of Online Therapy at Tavistock Relationships, individual psychotherapist and couple psychoanalytic psychotherapist.


Pierre Cachia is the Clinical Head of online therapy at Tavistock Relationships, and has been responsible for establishing and developing the centre’s ground-breaking work in this area.

In this full-day workshop, he will share his expertise and learning from his experience of heading up the online service and from his own clinical work.

Consideration will be given to the implications of using the internet for therapy, including ethical and legal issues, and there will be discussion of the technical challenges which face clinicians when working in this way.

The question will be addressed of whether online therapy is essentially the same as face-to-face therapy, requiring an extension of existing models, or whether it changes our ideas of what psychotherapy can do.

This workshop will be of interest to psychotherapists working with individual clients and couples as well as for trainees.

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Hosted by Tavistock Relationships

Tavistock Relationships is an internationally-renowned charity for advanced practice, training and research to support couples, individuals and families.

Hosted by Tavistock Relationships