Mindful self-compassion 8-week course

07802 776 926 07802 776 926
1st February - 22nd March 2018, 6.00pm - 9.00pm
Open to all
£160 (£100 concessions)
Psychology Sussex, 6 The Drive, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 6JB

Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) is an empirically-supported eight-week program designed to cultivate the skill of self-compassion. It was developed by Christopher Germer, PhD, a leader in the integration of mindfulness and psychotherapy (www.MindfulSelfCompassion.org) and Kristin Neff, PhD, a pioneering researcher in the field of self-compassion (www.Self-Compassion.org).

MSC combines the skills of mindfulness and self-compassion to enhance our capacity for emotional well-being. Mindfulness is the first step — turning with loving awareness toward difficult experience (thoughts, emotions, and sensations). Self-compassion comes next — bringing loving awareness to ourselves. Together, mindfulness and self-compassion comprise a state of warm, connected, presence during difficult moments in our lives.

A new eight-week Mindful Self Compassion course will begin in Hove on 1st February 2018. Please apply early as places are limited!

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Hosted by Paul Johanson

I have been practising meditation since 1987 and have been teaching mindfulness meditation since 2007. I am a fully trained MSC teacher with the Centre for MSC (in the USA) and the CMRP at Bangor University in Wales. I am currently the Buddhist Chaplain at the University of Sussex and the Community Buddhist Chaplain at the Martlets Hospice.