Introduction to play therapy

07713 254 077 07713 254 077 / 07713 254 077 07713 254 077
5th May 2018, 10.00am - 5.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
Upchurch village hall, The Street, Upchurch, Kent, ME8 7BU

Introduction to play therapy

Would you like to know more about how to use play therapeutically with children? This introduction will give you a little taster. We will look at how play therapy is used and look at using some tools like the sand tray, Lego & puppets.

There will be some experiential exercises and also the opportunity to make slime and take it away with you. Making slime is extremely popular with the children.

These tools can be used from reception class and upwards to around 11 years old but possibly older depending on the child.

We will try and cover as much as possible during the course of the day.

There are only 21 places. If we have enough interest then a second day will be arranged.

This is a 6 hour CPD and certificates will be issued on the day.

10am - 5pm with a break and lunch break.

Refreshments will be provided from 9.30am and at break time. Please do not arrive any earlier than 9.30am.

For a booking form please message me or email me at

The cost for the day is £65 payable by Paypal through my website

or I can send you the link to my Paypal.

Booking forms must be completed to secure your place.

Please feel free to ask any question or have any special requirements.

Thank you.

Jodie Sturges

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Hosted by Jodie Sturges

I’ve been working in primary and secondary schools across Kent and working with young people in my private practice. I teach in an adult learning centre.