Introduction to equine facilitated psychotherapy and learning

01283 240 256 01283 240 256 / 07792 902 913 07792 902 913
12th October 2019, 9.45am - 4.30pm
Counsellors and trainees
The Chase, Rosliston, De12 8HY

An experiential workshop for therapists, mental health workers, teachers and any other interested individuals who are curious about the benefits of EFP/L and who would like further insights into how it works.

No prior horse experience required. No mental health qualification required.

This profound experience is varied and interesting, covering both reflective work and more active approaches.

A day of experiential sessions aimed at providing a small taster of what may be possible within this field and signposting the best way for you to move forward and be part of it. The LEAP Model of EFP/L is introduced and time given to discuss the field as a whole.

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Hosted by Sarah Hopton

This workshop is hosted by Sarah Watson & Jo-Anne Karlsson, two of the Directors of LEAP and also experienced counsellors working in private practice. Where they integrate EFP/L work into their client sessions. You can find out more on for further information.