How to avoid burnout: Self-care for helping professionals

01323 811 690 01323 811 690
23rd November 2021, 9.30am - 4.00pm
Counsellors and trainees

To help others effectively, we need to have enough ‘spare capacity’, which means looking after our own well-being, too – new research shows us how.

Invest in your health... 

The good news is that burnout and overwhelm are not a given of working in roles where we are consistently exposed to others’ emotional pain. New research and insights into ‘buffering’ the impact of this work means that we can consciously choose to put in safeguards to our own mental well-being, whilst also remaining connected and present with our clients.

Emily Gajewski’s course draws on her extensive experience of working as a therapist and clinical supervisor, in the NHS and privately, for over 20 years. Throughout the day, she examines the many ways working in the caring professions can impact us personally and gives you a wealth of practical steps you can take to mitigate them. She also covers the most up-to-date guidance on keeping ourselves well and thriving in caring roles and will help you develop a realistic plan for your own continuing well-being.

To find out more and book your place, go to

More details:

  • CPD certificate (six hours)
  • live training via Zoom
  • access to a recording of the training 

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Hosted by Human Givens College

Human Givens College has been providing training in the best ways to treat mental health and behavioural problems for over 20 years. Our clear, practical mental health training gives you the key information and skills you need to help people overcome their difficulties as quickly as possible.

Hosted by Human Givens College