Healing after abortion: 10-day journey

07726 923 833 07726 923 833
27th April - 11th May 2024, 10.00am - 10.00am
Open to all

Does your original decision feel right, yet you can't quite come to peace with it?

Join us on this 10-day journey to identify and process what feels stuck.

I'll be sharing with you some tried and tested practices that will help you to identify exactly what's keeping you from a sense of peace with your decision.

Five lovingly curated practices, plus a live online workshop:

  • Days 1-2: Intention setting, approach and resourcing with deer (power animal).
  • Days 3-4: Connecting with your womb and identifying what's stuck.
  • Days 5-6: Talking to the spirit that didn't come through.
  • Days 7-8: Clearing your womb centre.
  • Days 9-10: Self-compassion (vs 'forgiveness') and what that really means, plus guidance for further resources, healing and integration.

Each guided practice is around 15-20 minutes so that you can easily integrate this into your day. 

As each new practice is shared every two days - it gives you the choice to repeat the practice and deepen your experience, or have time to be with your experience and integrate on the second day.

There will be a live workshop via Zoom on Saturday 4th May at 1pm London time. This will not be recorded, you'll need to attend to take part.

Practical details

The group will run in a pop-up Facebook Group. Once we begin, no one else will be able to join. This gives us the container we need to experience the journey together. The group will be discreetly titled 'Sacred Womb Healing Circle' and will be a private group.

Every two days a new guided practice will be posted in the group - this will be a video that you follow along to. All videos will remain in the group until the journey ends. You can access these videos at any time you want to. I will be checking in with the group once a day to answer any questions you may have.

The live call will be on Saturday 4th May at 1pm London time/8am New York. 

Once the Journey has finished, the Facebook Group will remain open for another seven days - until 18th May so that you can re-watch any videos. The group and all the content will then be deleted on the 18th May. 

Once you have registered for the journey, you'll receive a link to join the Facebook Group; you will be added the day before we start.

Any questions, feel free to email me on melanie@thesacredwomb.com

For more information, visit thesacredwomb.com or book your place via TicketTailor.

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Hosted by Melanie Swan

I’m Melanie, a Soul Worker and Womb Medicine Woman for women who are remembering the power of their womb. I share down to earth guidance on healing womb-centered trauma, embracing your cyclical nature & embodying your deepest wisdom – so that you can actually enjoy being a woman.