Guide to master assertiveness skills to empower yourself

4th March 2023, 10.00am - 12.00pm
Open to all

This online experiential workshop will help you to develop assertiveness through psychoeducation, practical exercises (such as guided visualisation), opportunities for private reflection, and group discussion. In a confidential space, supported, you will acquire tools and techniques to help you engage with others and assert yourself. 

This workshop is open to all but is especially aimed at those who:

  • struggle to speak up or express their opinion
  • struggle to say ‘no,’ then end up doing things you don’t want to, resulting in  feelings of burnout, overwhelm and resentment
  • struggle to ask for what you need or negotiate for what you want
    feel you are often waiting for others to figure things out or take action to help you

This workshop will offer insights and skills to help you become more assertive. You will:

  • learn what it means to be assertive and how this differs from being passive or aggressive
  • learn what it means to set clear, confident and healthy boundaries
    explore the underlying issues that might be stopping you from asserting yourself
  • learn self-compassion to deal with the feelings that arise when you try to assert yourself – feelings such as guilt, anger, resentfulness, awkwardness and fear
  • learn what to do when your attempts to be assertive are met with someone pushing back, testing you or giving you the silent treatment
  • learn what not to do when learning how to be assertive
  • hear inspiring case studies and learn practical ideas for how to start being assertive – such as how to express yourself and how to respond to others

This two-hour online workshop is being run twice:

  • Saturday 4th March at 10am-12pm (GMT) - cost £25.
  • Saturday 22nd April at 10am-12pm (GMT) - cost £25.

Materials and recordings:

After the workshop, you will be emailed a copy of the presentation, including a full description of exercises and techniques for developing assertiveness. You will also be given 30-day access to arecording of the workshop of the psychoeducational part (not experiential) you attended.

If you are unable to attend on the day – or if you prefer not to attend – you will still receive the workshop's psychoeducational part recording and materials, which will be sent to you after the event, same day or latest, the next day.

Please prepare a few A4 sheets of paper and crayons/colouring pens as well as a pen and your notebook to take your notes, if you wish. 

Early booking is recommended due to limited spaces. Fee is non-refundable. 

To know more and ask questions, email Inese Vorobjova at

Book your place via Eventbrite.

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Hosted by Inese Vorobjova

Inese Vorobjova is an experienced and fully-qualified psychotherapist working with a wide spectrum of mental health concerns in her private practice. She has a particular interest in assertiveness, boundary-setting, co-dependency and self-esteem. She sees clients at 1 Harley Street, London, and online.

Hosted by Inese Vorobjova