Group on relationships and intimacy

07799 531 108 07799 531 108
30th March 2019, 10.00am - 4.00pm
Open to all
Spectrum Psychotherapy, 7 Endymion Road, London, N4 1EE

Exploring relationships - a taster day for women

Are you struggling to form or maintain an intimate relationship? Maybe you’ve never been in an intimate relationship but would like to be, or perhaps you’ve been seeking someone and feeling lost not knowing where or how to meet them?  

The focus of this one-day group is to share and support each other in our experiences of searching for and meeting people in the pursuit of a connected relationship, with an experienced therapist and relationship/date coach. 

Throughout the day we will focus on what we are personally looking for and how we can put this into action in the future, with a look at dating.

The group is open to women of all ages and sexual orientation and will be up to six participants. The cost for the day is £75.00, payable in advance by cheque, cash or transfer. This can be paid in instalments if needed.

The day will from 10am-4pm on the 30th March 2019. Please bring some food to share for lunch.

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Hosted by Abi Jude

The idea for the group comes from my personal experience of dating & relationships, understanding how tough it can be, my work with men and women who are seeking relationships and my work at a dating agency as a senior consultant and matchmaker.