Free workshop: Working with trauma with Dr Arielle Schwartz

01235 847 393 01235 847 393
26th - 27th May 2022, 2.00pm - 7.15pm
Counsellors and trainees

After years of isolation, stress, and grief, now compounded by the terrors of pain and war, clinicians everywhere are seeking proven interventions that work with the complexity of trauma we're facing today. That's why we've invited Dr Arielle Schwartz, internationally renowned expert on PTSD and complex trauma, for this exclusive and completely free workshop!

Sign up today and you'll get access to effective, body-based techniques plus the advanced strategies and finer nuances you need to tailor healing according to your client's unique trauma-based afflictions - far beyond the reach of basic somatic or traditional talk therapies.

Decode complex trauma with even your most difficult cases - including when your client is afraid of their own body or suffers from dissociation - and reconnect them in a way that is just right for them.

Discover how to integrate somatic interventions with your clients - so you can attend to their minds, their bodies, and their emotions for comprehensive trauma healing.

Find out more and sign up for free here

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Hosted by PESI UK

PESI is the largest CPD portal in the UK and the largest clinical content provider in Europe.