Flexible ACT practice - how to become a more effective ACT practitioner

01215 231 108 01215 231 108
1st May 2020, 9.30am - 4.30pm
Counsellors and trainees
£70 - £100
The Tony Rich Centre, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is now widely recognised as an evidence-supported treatment for many forms of psychological distress. It’s simplicity, and experiential focus, makes it appealing to many practitioners. Despite these strengths, ACT isn’t necessarily easy to apply.

In reality, human beings are complex. Built into our evolution, the urges to avoid uncomfortable experiences are strong. While human language can help you connect and work together, it also functions to pull both clients and therapists in unhelpful directions. Rigid patterns of avoidance and emotional control undermine well-being and perpetuate suffering. ACT practised flexibly can overcome these challenges.

To be effective, ACT practitioners need to build their skills and competencies in psychological flexibility. This workshop will focus on helping therapists and psychologists move on from more formulaic ways of doing ACT, to working more flexibly and contextually sensitive.

Who is suitable for this workshop?

This workshop is suitable for any practitioner who previously completed training in ACT. Delegates will have an existing working knowledge of the ACT model. It is likely to be useful to therapists and psychologists working in either mental health or physical health settings.

What can you expect?

You’ll get the opportunity to;

  • explore further the theory of contextual behavioural science (CBS) in an interactive way
  • observe demonstrations from the trainer to help you work through common stuck points
  • practice in small groups and receive real-time feedback

As part of the training, you’ll receive a workshop extra booklet that contains useful guidance on deepening your practice. Naturally, you’ll also receive copies of handouts and slides.

Lunch and refreshments are included.

A CPD certificate for six hours will be issued - three hours skills and three hours theory.

For any event or booking queries, please contact BABCP head office on 0330 320 0851, or email workshops@babcp.com.

To regisrer for this event, please complete this attached form - https://www.babcp.com/files/Events/EC01.05.20BookingForm.docx

For more detailed information about this workshop, please visit https://www.openforwards.com/acceptance-commitment-therapy-training-level-2/

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Hosted by Jim Lucas

Jim specialises in showing therapists how to integrate Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) into their work. He is an experienced Practitioner and Trainer, and he has taught ACT at introductory, intermediate & advanced levels. He is an ACBS peer-reviewed ACT Trainer and a Teaching Fellow at University of Birmingham on CBT Programme.