Archetypes and how they present within therapy

07411 450 950 07411 450 950
15th May 2024, 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
From £ 25.20 with an early bird discount = Else £36

Early bird discount is available until the 5th of May.

The Sovereign, Magician, Warrior, and Lover are the four core archetypes, and you will learn their key functions, what too much or too little energy might look like in the therapy room, and how to obtain a healthy balance.

Also, track the interaction and movement from one archetype to another within a session (all start with the Magician) the story, history and setting out of where the work might go).

The session may contain some personal experiential work/processes and, therefore, will not be recorded.

A CPD certificate and PowerPoint presentation will be provided.

Bring paper and pens.

I have been in full-time private practice for over 20 years and have delivered training on various topics, including Anger Management, Gestalt, Archetypes and Psychodrama, within many environments and online. I am an accredited psychotherapist and counselling and qualified supervisor. A facilitator within MKPUK and the Hampshire community of A Band of Brothers (mentoring for young offenders).

Email me if you have any questions or need anything.

Book your place.

Refunds are available up to 48 hours before the start time - less Eventbrite fees (about 20%).

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Hosted by Stefan Charidge

Stefan is a UK therapist, counselling supervisor, international trainer, and facilitator with over 24 years of experience. He delivers training on various topics within many environments. He started his training as a Gestalt Counsellor i Do follow for updates via: Any questions? Email

Hosted by Stefan Charidge