Tis the season to be merry
Christmas is fast approaching. How do you feel about Christmas? Are you excited, happy, looking forward to it? Or, are you dreading it, worried, anxious and unhappy? Christmas for some is a joyous occasion, filled with love, wonder and excitement. But, for those who don’t enjoy Christmas, it can be a miserable time.
Slowly watching the calendar as the days pass by. Maybe wondering whom they will spend Christmas day with? Will they spend the day alone? Will they be lonely? Maybe they are estranged or ostracised from their family? Does Christmas mean watching other families spending time together, knowing you will be alone? Pretending you had a great time, whilst knowing deep down that you spent the day miserable, maybe crying and feeling very lonely and isolated.
Who will you speak to on the day? Will you just have the television for company?
Maybe watching colleagues at work, getting ready for parties and get-togethers?
Hearing how much fun they will be having at Christmas, and how much they are looking forward to it. Do you make excuses, as you are too embarrassed to admit you may be spending Christmas alone?
Christmas can be an extremely lonely and miserable time. Christmas is often seen as a time to spend with your families, friends and loved one. So, for those who don’t have family to spend Christmas with, it can potentially be a very miserable time.
Will you spend the day alone, thinking up stories you will tell your work colleagues about how great your day was? Too embarrassed to tell the truth for fear of being judged?
Talking through your feeling in a non-judgemental space, with an experienced counsellor, can help you with these feelings. Working through what is happening for you, and how it feels.